Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing, we are finishing Chapter 1 of our informational books and moving on to Chapter 2 on our focused topic.  This past week students met with their writing partners to revise their Chapter 1 drafts.   In Spelling, students' next test is this Friday, January 30th.  

In reading, we started our unit on close reading.  Students are rereading sections of nonfiction and fiction texts in order to dig deeper (ex.find the main idea and supporting details, identify cause and effect, etc.).  We will continue with close reading during our minilessons and in reading groups this week.  
Circling the cause and underlining the effect in a nonfiction close read
In math this past week, we started Chapter 8: Fractions.  So far, we have reviewed factors and multiples.  See the anchor chart that students came up with in defining these review terms.  This week we will continue with prime and composite numbers as well as equivalent fractions and fractions in simplest form.  

Social Studies
In social studies, we are currently discussing Lewis and Clark's journey west.  Then, we will move on to pioneers in Chapter 5.  Students will receive their Chapter 5 vocabulary flashcards on Monday, and their vocabulary quiz will be this Friday, 1/30.  Again, students may also use Quizlet to study these words. 

  Other Important Info.  
  • If you did not get a chance to read about our Student Teacher Ms. Bender in the previous blog post, please do so.  We are very happy that she will be spending the rest of the year with us!  
  • PRISM projects are due February 9th.  PRISM night is Thursday, February 19.
  • This year the PTO is sponsoring a donut breakfast for the 4th graders before school. Each student is able to invite one person that is dear to them. The event will be held on Wednesday, February 18th from 8:00-8:45am in the gym.  Invites will be going home with the kids soon. We do ask that the invited guest stay with the 4th grader until the rest of the school opens at 8:30.
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due Friday, February 27th  If students are wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park!   

Friday, January 23, 2015

Meet Ms. Bender!

Hi! My name is Abby Bender and I am going to be student teaching in Mrs. Leighton’s 4th grade classroom. I am super excited to spend the rest of the year with your awesome students!

Although I am originally from Farmington, Missouri, and just recently moved to St. Louis, I have already grown to love the area. I am currently finishing up my last semester at the University of Missouri where I will receive my degree in Elementary Education this May.

In my free time, I love to play tennis, cook, read, and walk my dog. I will also be getting married in June, so wedding planning has become a recent hobby of mine.

Last semester, I got the opportunity to meet your students when I made periodic visits to the classroom. I am now looking forward to getting to know each student a little better throughout my student teaching!

Feel free to email me at any time!

Abby Bender
Student Teacher-Long Elementary
University of Missouri
Elementary Education

My fiancé, Jordan, and I took our engagement photos on Mizzou's beautiful campus!

 This is our dog, Harley! She loves to go on walks and to chase squirrels and rabbits.

I LOVE watching Mizzou sports. This is Jordan and I cheering on the Tigers at a football game last fall.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing, we are writing Chapter 1 of our informational book on our big topic.  Students are doing great in including headings in their text and writing the important facts about their nonfiction research topic.  In Spelling, we will get a new word sort tomorrow.  We will go back to our yellow, green, and blue word sorts. The next spelling test will be Friday, January 30th.  

In reading, we finished our read aloud "Wonder!"  It was such a amazing book including great life lessons and a wonderful story plot.  It was also neat to hear the story told through multiple perspectives as many characters had their own part in the book.  Check out some of our favorite parts of the book below! 

The next couple of weeks we will work on close reading, where we really think about and study texts in order to dig deeper into the meaning and author's craft.  

In math this past week, we finished Chapter 7.  The Chapter 7 Test will be this Wednesday, 1/21.  Students have the Chapter 7 study guide, and we will work on it and review on Tuesday.  Our next chapter is on fractions.  We will start with a review of factors and multiples as well as prime and composite numbers.  

Social Studies
Check out our timeline of Missouri's history below.  Students did a great job in helping to put this timeline together!  

In class we are currently reading about the Louisiana Purchase.  We will continue to discuss this exciting topic in history next week.  The Chapter 4 Vocabulary Quiz will be Wednesday, 1/21.  Students have flashcards to study.  They can also log on to Quizlet to study using the link below.

Other Important Info.  
  • PRISM entry forms should be in.  Please let me know if you would like to receive a copy of the PRISM booklet for your child.
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due Friday, February 27th  If students are wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park!   
  • This year the PTO is sponsoring a donut breakfast for the 4th graders before school. Each student is able to invite one person that is dear to them. The event will be held on Wednesday, February 18th from 8:00-8:45am in the gym.  Invites will be going home with the kids soon. We do ask that the invited guest stay with the 4th grader until the rest of the school opens at 8:30.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing this past week, we started our informational books!  Students enjoyed picking their nonfiction research topics and reading a variety of resources to learn all about their topic in class.  Once we become experts on the topic, we will share our information within the four chapters of our informational books (outlined below).  In Spelling, we are studying our last homophones set.  The test over homophones will be Friday, January 16th.  

In reading, we are working on finishing our read aloud "Wonder."  We are also working on our text responses and providing evidence for our answers.  

In math we are in Chapter 7, reviewing numeric and nonnumeric patterns.  Students were very excited to be introduced to a new math program in our computers rotation called Prodigy.  This past week, we all got practice with this new and exciting program.  Like ALEKS, students are allowed and encouraged to play this at home in addition to the practice they are getting at school. 

Playing Prodigy in the Computers rotation
Playing "Fraction Dots and Boxes" in the Games rotation
Social Studies
In social studies, we read through Chapter 3 on Native Americans.  We also worked on a timeline project, where each student focused on an important date in Missouri's history.  (A picture of our class timeline will be included in next week's Weekly Update.)  On Monday, we will continue with "Chapter 4: The Arrival of the Europeans."  Chapter 5 is titled "Becoming a State," and our next test will cover both chapters.  

Information for 2014-2015 PRISM is now available online here: 2014-2015 PRISM information is also accessible on our district website from the 'Students' drop-down menu.  Participation in PRISM is optional to all students K-5.  If you are interested in participating, please visit the site listed above and print off an entry form to return to school.  

PRISM night is Thursday, February 19.  Projects will be due the 9th.

Other Important Info.  
  • This Wednesday, January 14th is our next Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure you know how your child is getting home.  
  • The school-wide Spelling Bee is this Friday, January 16th at 2pm.  
  • Students took home Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs on Friday.  If students are wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park!  These are due Friday, February 27th.  
  • There will be no school on Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.  
  • Scholastic Book Orders are due this Friday, January 16th!  Click on the link below to order online!