Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing, students have been working on Chapter 4 of their informational books.  In this essay part of the book, we are discussing why our informational book topic is important.  We will be publishing these essays this week, and we will celebrate these books on Friday!  In Spelling, students have their new word sorts.  The spelling test is this Friday, February 27th.  

In readingwe continued to practice the last of the book club roles as we continued our read aloud, "No Talking."  This week we practiced making connections, "characterizing," and asking questions about the text.  

Characterizer sheet

We started Chapter 9 this past week as we added and subtracted fractions and worked with word problems involving fractions.  This week we will be adding/subtracting mixed numbers and multiplying fractions by whole numbers.  The Chapter 9 Test is set for Monday, March 2nd.  

Problem solving rotation
Fraction triominoes in the games rotation
This past week we dug deeper into static electricity.  Check out the experiments we conducted to figure out how static electricity works! 

"Like charges repel!" When we pulled two pieces of scotch tape off of our desks,
the pieces of tape repelled each other.  
"Opposites attract!"  However, when we put one piece of tape on top of the other (transfer of electrons)
and then pulled them off of the desk and separated them, the two pieces attracted each other.

When we transferred electrons in our hair to a balloon,
we were able to use the balloon to pick up pieces of paper!
Pieces of  puffed rice cereal were harder to pick up!

We also stuck the negatively charged balloons to the dry erase board!
Eventually, some balloons lost their charge and fell off of the board.

Social Studies with the High Schoolers! 
On Friday, we were super lucky to have history students from Lindbergh High School come and teach us about important events in the history of the United States!  We surprised the high schoolers with what we knew as they taught us more about the Oregon Trail, Louisiana Purchase, Gold Rush, and the Transcontinental Railroad.  

What an awesome group of students! 
Coloring Louisiana Purchase storybooks!  
Learning more about the Gold Rush!

Drawing the route of the Transcontinental Railroad!  
Playing the Oregon Trail game!  
Other Important Info.  
  • Friday, March 6th is the last day of third quarter.  It is a half day with dismissal at 11:40.  No lunch will be served.
  • As third quarter nears the end, I want to remind you that you may check grades at any time using this SIS link:  SIS is updated regularly to make you aware of how your child is doing in each subject.  
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due this Friday, February 27th  If students are wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park!  

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing, students have been working on their Chapter 3 diary entry this week.  They are doing great with this!  Next week we will begin Chapter 4, in which we write an essay explaining why our informational book topic is important.  In Spelling, students will get their new sorts on Monday. 

In readingwe practiced many of the book club roles as we continued our read aloud, "No Talking."  So far, we have practiced summarizing, predicting, and clarifying tricky words.  

Students took the Chapter 8 math test this week.  We will start Chapter 9 on Monday.  In Chapter 9, we will learn more about fractions.  We will start with adding and subtracting fractions.  On Friday, we did a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) activity.  Each group made a "box" out of 20 toothpicks and 6 gum drop candies.  The box had to hold the most candy hearts.  Check out the fun we had below! 

Planning and building their box
Ms. Bender tested how many candy hearts each box would hold

This is the winning box!  It was able to successfully hold 28 candy hearts! 
Our reflection on the design of our boxes
Social Studies/Science
This week we finished our social studies unit and started our science unit on electricity!  Students have new flashcards, and have began to study them in class.  They should continue to study these words outside of class.  The Chapter 10 electricity vocabulary quiz is next Friday, 2/20. 

Valentine's Day Party
We had a blast at the Valentine's Day party!  A big Thank You to the parents who volunteered to make this party a success! 

Passing out valentines
Yummy doughnuts!
Chopsticks and candy hearts game
Awesome crafts!
Playing Heads Up

We love Mad Libs!
Other Important Info.  
  • There is No School Monday, February 16th in observance of Presidents' Day!  
  • Long's Scholastic Book Fair will be open for students to buy books next week! 
  • As a reminder, PTO is sponsoring a donut breakfast for the 4th graders before school on Wednesday, February 18th from 8:00-8:45am in the gym. Each student is able to invite one person that is dear to them.  We do ask that the invited guest stay with the 4th grader until the rest of the school opens at 8:30.  Any dietary requirements on record with Nurse Klahs will be accommodated.  The book fair will be open at this time as well.  
  • PRISM night is Thursday, February 19th. 
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due Friday, February 27th  If students are wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park!  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing, students are finishing Chapter 2 of their Informational Books.  This week we will start Chapter 3, where we will write a letter or diary entry in a point of view that relates to our big topic.  For example, a student writing about rocks could write from the perspective of a geologist.  A student writing about jazz could write a diary entry from a famous jazz artist.  In Spelling, students will take their test this Friday, 2/13.

In readingwe continued to use close reading to dig deeper into texts.  We also started our new read aloud, "No Talking!"  "No Talking" is written by Andrew Clements, who is a great author for fourth graders to explore!  This week we will begin to discuss certain roles within book clubs, such as the "Super Summarizer," "Perfect Predictor," "Cunning Connector," "Clever Clarifier," "Careful Characterizer," and "Discussion Director."  These roles will prepare us in having conversations in our upcoming book clubs.  

In math, we are finishing Chapter 8 on fractions.  This week we compared and ordered fractions from least to greatest.  Finding the least common multiple of two fractions helped us with this.  We also wrote mixed fractions.  Finally, we focused on word problems involving fractions.  Next week we will review mixed fractions and discuss improper fractions.  The Chapter 8 Test will be on Thursday (2/12), and students will receive the study guide tomorrow.

Working in the games rotation

Social Studies/Science
In social studies, we have finished Chapter 5 on the life of pioneers. Students have started the Chapter 4/5 study guide in class.  Some have taken the study guide home to begin studying.  However, this study guide will need to come back to school on Monday to be checked for correctness.  The Chapters 4/5 Test will be Wednesday, 2/11.  On Thursday, we will start our science unit on electricity!  

Other Important Info.  
  • MANY notes came home in Flyer Folders this week.  Please make sure that you go through these with your child as a lot of important information came home.  
  • There is no Friday Homework this week! 
  • Wednesday, February 11th will be an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.  
  • We reached our 100 behavior points goal!  That means that we will enjoy a movie reward on Thursday!  
  • PRISM projects are due tomorrow, 2/9.  PRISM night is Thursday, February 19th. 
  • The class Valentine's Day Party is Friday, February 13th from 2:00-3:00. This week students will be making their Valentine's Day bags in class.  I will provide the bags and decorating materials.  However, I will tell students that they may bring in their own favorite stickers or scrapbooking items on Wednesday as well.  Also, if you child brings in Valentines, please make sure that they have one for every student in the class. We have 21 students.  I sent a class list home with students on Friday.  
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due Friday, February 27th  If students are wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park!  

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing, students are working on Chapter 2 of their Informational Books.  In this chapter, we zoom in to a focused topic that is related to our bigger topic.  For example, one student is focusing on the solar system in Chapter 1 and Venus in Chapter 2.  Another student is writing about explorers in Chapter 1 and Christopher Columbus in Chapter 2.  Students are making great progress!  In Spelling, students will get their new sorts on Monday. 

In readingwe continued to use close reading to dig deeper into texts.  This past week we added poetry to our close reads.  Take a look at what we noticed about a poem called "Victory" below.  We will continue with close reading during our minilessons and in reading groups.  

Writing our thoughts in the margins

Highlighting confusing, important, and interesting words
Here are our combined thoughts about the poem.  We had some pretty deep thinking!

In math this past week, we continued in Chapter 8: Fractions.  We learned a lot this week!  In addition to factors and multiples and prime and composite numbers, we also discussed equivalent fractions and fractions in simplest terms.  We even discussed greatest common factors to help us in simplifying fractions.  Remember that your child can always get extra practice at home by logging on to our class textbook.  The video below (also found under my "Links and Resources" tab of the blog) will help you to access the games, activities, practice pages, videos, and other resources that our online textbook provides!

Social Studies
In social studies, we are currently discussing pioneers in Chapter 5.  Students will receive the Chapters 4 and 5 study guide this week, and the combined test will be next week.  

Other Important Info.  
  • Jump Rope for Heart is this week! 
  • This Friday is Counselor's Day at Long!  Make sure you tell Mrs.Maddock and Ms. McArthur "thank you" for all that they do.  
  • PRISM projects are due Monday, February 9th.  PRISM night is Thursday, February 19th. 
  • The class Valentine's Day Party is Friday, February 13th from 2:00-3:00.  That week, students will be making their Valentine's Day bags in class.  I will provide the bags and decorating materials.  However, I will tell students that they may bring in their own favorite stickers or scrapbooking items as well.  Also, if you child brings in Valentines, please make sure that they have one for every student in the class. We have 21 students, and I will be sending home a class list soon to help with filling them out.
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due Friday, February 27th  If students are wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park!