Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week we edited our class newsletter articles.  Our first issue is almost complete!  We also learned about important journalism topics to apply to our next newsletter issue.  We discussed the inverted triangle of journalism and the 5 W's and 1H of journalism.  Mr. Schoenekase even came in to act out a scene for the students to write a news story about.  Students did a great job in listing the important details first!  In Spelling, students will take their test this Thursday, April 2nd since there is no school on Friday. 

In reading, we worked on some spring testing review in reading groups and continued in book clubs.  Some groups have finished their first book club book!  On Monday, those groups will begin working on book trailers on iMovie!  I can't wait to share them with you! 

In Chapter 11, we have been learning about customary measurement.  We have reviewed length so far.  We started with measuring to the nearest inch, 1/2 in., and 1/4 in.  We also converted units of measurements, such as feet to inches.  This week we will get to capacity and weight! 

Social Studies
One of the ways we studied slavery and the Underground Railroad this past week was by playing a fun online game called, "Flight to Freedom."  In this game, the students become slaves who live on a plantation.  They have many chores to do and need to decide if they want to runaway to freedom.  The students love this game!  The link for the game is below- click on the game picture.  The Chapter 6 vocabulary quiz is this Thursday, April 2nd.  Remember that students can use Quizlet to study their words!  

Other Important Info.  
  • There is no school this Friday, April 3rd! 
  • Field trip permission slips went home on Tuesday.  On Monday, April 6th we will go to the Missouri History Museum to visit the Louisiana Purchase exhibit!  We already have our two parent chaperones, who have been notified by email.  Unfortunately, space is very limited and we will not be able to take any other parents.
  • Also, I had two parents show interest in Junior Achievement.  I will send out another email if another volunteer is needed.  Thank you!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekly Update


We continued our journalism unit with our class newsletter.  Our first deadline for Mrs. Broom's review was this past Friday.  Students worked hard in putting together some nice articles.  I can't wait to see the finished product!  In Spelling, students will get new word sorts when they return from spring break. 

Gabe, lead of the "Top 5 Lists" committee, created a Google Form to take a class poll!
The comics committee put the finishing touches on their comic strip
In reading, we worked on some spring testing review in reading groups and continued in book clubs.  Students continue to have meaningful and deep conversations about their books!  

This past week we finished chapter 10 over fractions and decimals.  The Chapter 10 Math Test is Wednesday, 3/25.  Below I included a picture of the front of the study guide that students will receive Monday, 3/23.  Also, remember that students may log on to the math textbook at any time.  A video explaining how to log on to the math textbook can be found here on my blog.  

Science/Social Studies
This past week we finished our electricity unit in taking the Chapter 9 Test and making circuit boards.  After students chose their top 11 U.S. states and capitals, they scrambled up the states on one side and the capitals on the other side of the circuit board.  On the back of our circuit boards, we connected the states with their correct capitals using aluminum foil.  We made a simple circuit to test our circuit boards.  If we put one end of the wire on a state and the other end on it's capital, the light bulb would light up!  What a fun way to study the states and capitals!  After break, we will resume with chapter 6 in social studies.  Fourth graders usually find chapter 6 very interesting as it discusses the Civil War, slavery, and the Underground Railroad.  

Researching the U.S. states and capitals
Mallory showing off her finished circuit board!
Other Important Info.  
  • Spring Break is March 16th-20th!  School resumes Monday, March 23rd (A Day).  Have a nice spring break!  
  • Friday, March 27th is Spring Picture Day.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing this past week, we started our new unit on journalism!  Mrs. Broom (Mallory's mom) is  helping us to create a class newsletter, and the students are so excited about this!  We have already formed committees such as photography, sports, arts and entertainment, reporting, etc.  The students have been hard at work in planning, interviewing, taking pictures, and drafting articles.  In Spelling, students will take the next test this Friday, March 13th.

Looking at an example class newsletter
Coming up with our committees
The video and photography committee hard at work!
The fashion committee coming up with interview questions
Delaney, one of our editors, meeting with a sub committee of fashion
This past week, we continued in our book clubs!  As a reminder, book clubs meet every week on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Students are responsible for filing out the assigned book club role sheets and in reading the assigned chapters before every meeting date.  Students are continuing to have deep conversations about their books!  Keep up the good work! 

The past week we started Chapter 10, in which we added decimals to our study of fractions.  Students did well with writing decimals in the tenths and hundredths place.  This week we are comparing and ordering decimals and working on word problems involving decimals.  The Chapter 10 Math Test is scheduled for the Wednesday after spring break, 3/25.  

This past week we reviewed current electricity in making minibooks.  The Chapter 9 Electricity Test is this Thursday, 3/12.  Students received the study guide today.  We will start working on them in class tomorrow.  We are also working on making circuit boards this week!  

Other Important Info.  
  • You will receive third quarter report cards via email this week.  
  • I have sent out invitations to parents with whom I am requesting a spring conference. Spring conferences are optional.  If I had not requested a conference but you would like to meet, you may sign up using this SignUpGenius link:  Conferences are this Thursday, March 12th.  
  • This Friday, March 13th is a half day with dismissal at 11:50, so lunch will not be served.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home.  
  • Students should wear their Blue Ribbon shirts on Friday as we will have visitors such as Lindbergh administrators, members from the Board of Education, and many state and local politicians checking out the amazing things that we do at Long!  
  • Spring Break is March 16th-20th!  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weekly Update


In writing this past week, we celebrated our informational books!  All of our hard work paid off because they turned out awesome!  We got to rotate to all of the fourth grade classrooms and read our friends' books!  We commented on great things that the authors did.  In Spelling, students will receive new word sorts.  The next spelling test will be Friday, March 13th.

This past week, we started our book clubs!  Book clubs meet twice a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Students are responsible for filing out the assigned book club role sheets (discussed in an earlier post) and in reading the assigned chapters before every meeting date.  Students impressed me with their deep conversations about their books in our very first week of book clubs!  Keep up the good work! 

The Chapter 9 Test is Monday, March 2nd.  Students have study guides.  In Chapter 10, we will add decimals to our study of fractions.  

We explored current electricity in science this past week.  We had a lot of fun building circuits with a variety of materials such as wires, batteries, light bulbs, and switches!  Don't forget- students can click here to log on to the science textbook and complete activities for extra credit.  

Other Important Info.  
  • Principal's Day is Wednesday, March 4th!  
  • Friday, March 6th is the last day of third quarter.  It is a half day with dismissal at 11:40.  No lunch will be served.
  • As third quarter nears the end, I want to remind you that you may check grades at any time using this SIS link:  SIS is updated regularly to make you aware of how your child is doing in each subject.  
  • I have sent out invitations to parents with whom I am requesting spring conferences.  Spring conferences are optional.  If I had not requested a conference but you would like to meet, SignUpGenuis will be available Tuesday, March 3rd for you to sign up.