Sunday, April 19, 2015

Weekly Update

This past week we started our poetry unit.  We read many different types of poems, and students thought of themes for their poetry anthologies.  We are in the process of looking for poems that fit our themes.  Students will not have spelling words during MAP testing.  

In reading this past week, we received new book club groups!  We will start our new book club groups this week.  Students also continued working on their book trailers on iMovie!  

This past week we learned a lot about geometry.  We reviewed lines, angles, quadrilaterals and triangles, symmetry, perimeter and area.  This week we will review geometry and use the metric system.  

Our next unit in science is forces and motion.  We will start this unit this week, and there are all kinds of fun labs we will conduct!  

Other Important Info.  
  • Fourth grade students will start taking the MAP test tomorrow.  Monday, April 20th and Tuesday, April 21st, students will take the English Language Arts test in the morning.  On Thursday, April 23rd, students will take the Math test in the afternoon.  Both the format and length of the MAP test will be different this year.  Students will take all parts of the test on the computer in just a few days.  Students will need their headphones (although we do have ones students can borrow) and a snack for the days that we test. Also, it is important that they get a good night's sleep and eat breakfast in the morning!  
  • This Wednesday, April 22nd is an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.  
  • Fun and Upcoming Events:  The Cardinal's Game is May 3rd and Grant's Farm is April 24th!  Mark these dates on your calendar and join our Long Family for these two fun nights!  
  • Again, I can not thank you enough for the wonderful surprise baby shower this past week!  It was perfect, and Jackson and I truly appreciate everything! 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Wow, I was so surprised yesterday when the students threw me a baby shower!  Students and Parents, thank you very much for making yesterday such a special day for Baby Jackson and I!  We appreciate all the presents and well wishes.  What a fun morning!  Our Long family is truly amazing!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week in writing we read, discussed and studied news articles that we found on Scholastic News, Time for Kids, and an app called News-O-Matic.  We are nearing the end of our journalism unit, and we will start our poetry unit while we write articles for our next newsletter issue.  In Spelling, the test is this Friday, April 17th.  

Sharing the news articles that students read

In reading, we worked on spring testing review in reading groups and continued in book clubs.  Groups continued to work on their book trailers on iMovie!  Also, we finished our read aloud, "No Talking."  To celebrate, we made a "graffiti board" to record our thoughts and feelings about the book!  

The Chapter 11 Test is tomorrow, April 13th. Students went home with a corrected study guide on Friday.  This week we will also start our study of metric measurement and geometry.  

Social Studies
This past week in social studies we read about the Civil War and Reconstruction.  The Chapter 6 Test will be this Friday, April 17th.  Students will receive the study guide on Monday.  

Missouri History Museum Field Trip
We had a blast on our field trip Monday!  We got to learn a lot about Missouri's history.  Plus, we got to visit the Louisiana Purchase exhibit, where we saw the original Louisiana Purchase!  Check out our fun below.  

Other Important Info.  
  • Fun and Upcoming Events:  The Cardinal's Game is May 3rd and Grant's Farm is April 24th!  Mark these dates on your calendar and join our Long Family for these two fun nights!  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week in writing we read, discussed and studied real news articles that we found on Scholastic News and Time for Kids.  We read some very interesting news!  We also brainstormed topics for our next newsletter issue.  Our first newsletter issue is being published.  I can't wait to share it with you!  In Spelling, students will get their new word sorts on Tuesday.  

In reading, we worked on some spring testing review in reading groups and continued in book clubs.  Some groups began working on their end-of--book project, book trailers on iMovie!  

In Chapter 11, we continued learning about customary measurement.  This week we added capacity and weight to our studies.  Students will need to memorize all of the measurement conversions in their foldable (ex. 3 feet are in a yard, 4 quarts are in a gallon,16 ounces are in a pound).  We will review customary measurement this coming week and a study guide will come home.  Our Chapter 11 Test is Monday, April 13th.  

Social Studies
This past week we learned more about the Underground Railroad.  We read, "The Patchwork Path: A Quilt Map to Freedom" to find out more about the codes that slaves read as they headed North.  Then, we all picked our favorite quilt pattern containing one of those special codes that helped the slaves run away to freedom.  Below are some of the quilt pieces. 

The Star pattern reminded slaves to follow the North star
Crossroads told slaves to meet in Cleveland, Ohio, which had
many different routes for freedom
The Log Cabin symbol told slaves that a safe house was nearby
The Drunkard's Path symbol reminded slaves to run in a
zig-zag fashion to elude slave hunters and their dogs
Other Important Info.  
  • Tomorrow, April 6th, we go to the Missouri History Museum to visit the Louisiana Purchase exhibit!  Please do not forget to bring a sack lunch with a drink and dress for the weather!  Also, our buses will leave at 8:45am, so don't be late to school!  It is a full day trip, so we won't return until about 2:30.