Sunday, January 28, 2018

Weekly Update


Most students are working on Chapter 2 of their informational books.  Again, I am impressed with all they have learned about the Revolutionary War!  They are so intrigued, and I can't wait to see the final books.

As we continue to read "The Wild Robot" together, we will also be starting book clubs this week!  During book clubs, the students will be responsible for reading an agreed upon number of chapters outside of book club time.  In this first book club, students will use role sheets (i.e. predictor, connector, summarizer, clarifier, characterizer, and discussion director) to guide them in having conversations about the chapters' events and characters twice a week.  These book club role sheets are completed outside of the book club meeting time along with reading the assigned chapters, so that all students are prepared!

We are continuing with fractions in Chapter 9. Students who do not know their facts should continue to spend extra time each night studying.  We will begin this chapter with adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers.  Also, check out some of our awesome fraction pictures from last week below!

Social Studies/Science
We are studying more about the Revolutionary War in social studies to compliment our writing unit.  Early this week, we will be finishing a Patriot and Loyalist project that I can't wait to show you!  They are amazing!  Later this week, we will start our next science unit on electricity with a lab!  

Other Important Info. 
  • Make sure you are seeing math worksheets coming home in the front pocket of the accordion file.  We do either even or odd problems, so it would be good practice for students to do the other problems on their worksheets at home!
  • We are currently collecting Box Tops for Education
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed forms are due Friday, February 23rd!  Your child can use the same minutes read outside of class on our reading log!  Students can turn in their form when they've read 6 hours to get a free Six Flags pass!  

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Weekly Update


This past week we made great progress with our informational books!  We have started writing Chapter 1: All About the Revolutionary War.  Next, we will focus on our small war topic in Chapter 2. 

Students are doing a great job practicing for book clubs while reading, "The Wild Robot."  We are having some awesome discussions about the book, and students are impressing me with their ideas!

We continued in Chapter 8 with equivalent fractions, simplest form, and comparing and ordering fractions. This week we will focus on mixed numbers and improper fractions.  The Chapter 8 Test over fractions will be this Friday, 1/26.

Social Studies
We are currently studying more about the Revolutionary War in social studies to compliment our writing unit! 

Other Important Info. 
  • Cecelia and Jacob did awesome in the school spelling bee, coming in the top 3!  Our class had SO much fun watching them on Facebook Live!  
  • Make sure you are seeing math worksheets coming home in the front pocket of the accordion file.  We do either even or odd problems, so it would be good practice for students to do the other problems on their worksheets at home!
  • A class list with student names will be sent home to aid students in making valentines!  
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed forms are due Friday, February 23rd!  Your child can use the same minutes read outside of class on our reading log!  Students can turn in their form when they've read 6 hours to get a free Six Flags pass!  
  • This Wednesday, 1/24, is an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home.  

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Weekly Update


This past week we started our Informational Unit!  As a class, we will write a four chapter book on the Revolutionary War.  Right now we are researching about the war and all the important events surrounding it, including the Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act, etc.  After writing this informational book together, students will then choose a social studies or science topic to write a second informational book on their own.  


Before break we finished "I Survived," and our next read aloud is "The Wild Robot."  We will be doing some STEM activities that relate to this book!  Also, soon we will be starting book clubs!  Students will pick their top book club book and be put into groups.  Students will be responsible for reading an agreed upon number of chapters outside of book club time.  During book clubs, students will have a conservation about the chapters' events, characters, setting, etc.  

                                                                          Image result for the wild robot
We started Chapter 8 with factors and multiples as well as prime and composite numbers.  This week we will continue with equivalent fractions, simplest form and comparing and ordering fractions.  Then, we will get to mixed numbers and improper fractions.  Students took home volume I of their math textbooks, and it is important that they review big topics like long division and multiplication at home.  

Social Studies
We are currently learning about the colonies of Jamestown, Roanoke, Plymouth, and Williamsburg.  Then, we will move into further studying the Revolutionary War to compliment our writing studies.  

Other Important Info. 
  • There is no school on Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 
  • The school spelling bee is Friday, January 19th at 1:30.  Good luck, Cecelia and Jacob!