Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week we started our journalism unit by reading news everyday and learning that all good news stories begin with stating the 5W's (Who? What? Where? When? Why?) and using the inverted pyramid/triangle of journalism (see below).  We will resume with spelling after break.

We continued to read news and nonfiction texts during Reading this past week.  In reading groups, we also started our rocks books to go with our new science unit! 

Students finished Chapter 6 in Math this past week.  We are starting Chapter 7 on patterns this week and will finish it after break. 

Social Studies/Science
We finished Social Studies Chapters 3 and 4 today with our test.  Now we begin our rocks unit in Science that we will continue after break!  

  Other Important Info.
  • We held one of our classroom spelling bees today!  Our next classroom spelling bee is this Wednesday, December 16th.  Our classroom winners will then participate in the school spelling bee on January 15th!  Good luck, students!  
  • Our Winter Party is this Thursday from 2:00-3:00.  As a reminder, there is no school this Friday, December 18th! 
  • Winter Break starts Monday,December 21st.  School will resume on Monday, January 4th.  
  • Don't forget to be filling out the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs.  If a student is wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park. These reading logs are due Friday, February 12th.  

Monday, December 7, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week in writing, we finished our persuasive essays!  They turned out great!  We celebrated today, and pictures will be up on the next Weekly Update.  Our next writing unit will be a short journalism mini-unit.  The next Spelling Test will be Friday, December 11th.

In reading this past week, we summarized nonfiction texts and decoded big words.  Nonfiction text can be tricky to understand sometimes, but we are doing a good job of comprehending what we read.   

Summarizing nonfiction text
We have been working hard on learning the steps of long division.  Students are doing very well with this and most have all of the steps memorized!  The Chapter 6 Test is this Thursday, 12/10.  Students will receive the study guide tomorrow in class. 

Social Studies
In Social Studies, we have finished Chapter 4.  We are currently working on a class timeline of all the important events throughout Missouri's history, including all the big dates we discuss all year.  This includes Lewis and Clark's journey and westward expansion.  Timeline pieces are due this Wednesday, 12/9, and the finished timeline will be ready to view on the next Weekly Update!  The Chapter 3/4 Test will be this Friday.  Students received the study guide today.

  Other Important Info.
  • Our classroom spelling bee will be held on Monday, December 14th and Wednesday, December 16th before winter break.  Our classroom winners will then participate in the school spelling bee on January 15th!  Good luck, students!  
  • This Wednesday, 12/9 is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:40.  Make sure your child knows how they are going home.
  • Don't forget to be filling out the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs.  If a student is wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park. These reading logs are due Friday, February 12th.