Sunday, November 20, 2016

Weekly Update

We continued in our persuasive unit this past week.  Students participated in debates and chose their persuasive topic!  This week we will begin drafting our essays.  The next Spelling Test is Friday, December 2nd.

In reading groups, we are continuing to work on our natural disaster projects.  Many students have begun typing their articles for their group's magazine.  Students are working hard and their work is turning out great!  I can't wait to show you the finished product!  Just take a look at some of the awesome resources that the groups have used in putting together their magazine!

Also this past week, we started our new read aloud, "No Talking" by Andrew Clements.  Andrew Clements is a great author for fourth grade students!

This past week we learned long division!  Students are doing well with it so far.  Ask them what they were taught to help them in remembering the steps!  It is important that students continue to practice their facts and keep up with math homework to stay on track!  

Social Studies 
Students are working on their Famous Missourian reports!  These are due this Tuesday, 11/22!  Check out one student's progress!


Other Important Info. 
  • There will be no school Wednesday, 11/23 - Friday, 11/25 for Thanksgiving Break
  • Remember, XtraMath is a resource to help students with their multiplication and division facts.   
  • All tests should be signed and returned.  

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Weekly Update

This week we will start our persuasive essays!  It will be nice for students to use the same structure and organization as our opinion piece.  Because of Thanksgiving break, we will not have another spelling test until Friday, December 2nd! 

In reading groups, we are continuing to research natural disasters.  Group members are working to create a "magazine" with articles using different text structures and text features.  They're doing a great job researching! 


We finished Chapter 5 with our test on Friday!  This means that we are moving on to division in Chapter 6!  So, it is still very important that students study their multiplication and division facts!

Social Studies 
In Chapter 2 this week we talked about Missouri becoming a state and important cities in Missouri.  We also briefly discussed important events such as Lewis and Clark and the Oregon and Santa Fe Trails.  We will revisit these big events in our history!  Right now we are currently researching famous Missourians.  

Other Important Info. 
  • I hope everyone had a great Veterans Day!  Thank you to all who have served our country! 
  • Picture Retakes are this Friday, 11/18. 
  • There will be no school Wednesday, 11/23- Friday, 11/25 for Thanksgiving Break
  • Remember, XtraMath is a resource to help students with their multiplication and division facts.   
  • All tests should be signed and returned.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week we edited our personal essays.  These are due by this Friday.  Then, we will work on our persuasive essays.  The next Spelling Test is Friday, November 11th. Students should have their words in their binders.  


In reading groups, we are continuing to research natural disasters, study text structure, and notice different text features as we prepare for an upcoming research project.  Stay tuned for more details.  

This past week students learned how to multiply two-digit by two-digit numbers using the traditional method.  Students watched the video below to help them with "Turtlehead Multiplication." The Chapter 5 Math Test is this Friday, 11/11.  Study guides should be in students' binders.  As a reminder, students should be coming home with math worksheets with either checks (all correct) or "Fix #s..".  

Social Studies 
In Chapter 2 this week, we learned about Native American tribes and The French who used to call Missouri home.  We will continue in this chapter this week.  

Halloween Party
Thank you to all parents who volunteered for the Halloween Party!  The students had a blast!  

Other Important Info. 
  • Remember, XtraMath is a resource to help students with their multiplication facts.  All students came home with a username and password.  
  • All tests should be signed and returned.  The Chapter 4 Math Test did not have a stamp on it, but it should still come back to school with a signature if possible.  
  • Long's Music Program is this Thursday, 11/10.  
  • There is No School November 7th and 8th. Enjoy the 4-day weekend!