Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekly Update

Today we started our new unit, literary essay writing.  We previewed the unit by analyzing main characters from a picture book called, "The Other Side."  Tomorrow we will start analyzing main characters from the picture book, "Fox."  We will also be looking at the author's craft and theme of the book.  I can't wait to hear students' deep thinking in this unit!  Students will receive new spelling words this Friday, and the next Spelling test will be Thursday, April 13th.  Please note that the test will be on a Thursday because there is no school Friday, April 14th.  
In Reading we continue to meet in book clubs, reading groups, and are starting test preparation and practicing our close reading skills.

This week in Math, we are focusing on geometry word problems and area and perimeter.  The Chapter 14 Geometry Test is this Friday, March 31st.

Student-made geometry posters 
Students working on their "Measurement Art" houses, beach, and street scenes

Science/Social Studies/Junior Achievement
Check out some of the US states and capitals circuit boards that students completed before break!  

Today we started a miniunit on Missouri's economy and environment.  This will be our last study of Missouri.  (Our last unit in Social Studies will be government, closer to the end of the year.)  On a related note, we have had our first of five Junior Achievement lessons with Mr. Reinhardt!  Students are excited to be learning more about business and entrepreneurship with him, and we will have another lesson this week.  Thank you for volunteering, Mr. Reinhardt.  

Other Important Info.  
  • MAP Testing for fourth grade is currently scheduled for April 24th and 25th for ELA and May 1st-3rd for Math.  Although these dates are not likely to change much, there could be a small change made to the schedule as more information becomes available.   Please try not to make any appointments on these days.   
  • Wednesday, April 5th is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.
  • There will be no school on Friday, April 14th.  
  • Also, the Friday before spring break our class found out that we won a popcorn party for bringing in the most box tops this year!  Congratulations!  

Monday, March 13, 2017

Weekly Update

A huge THANK YOU to all parents who showed up to join our informational book celebration!  Students loved a real audience and getting awesome feedback on their books from loved ones!  I know you were just as proud as we were.  As a reminder, there will not be another Spelling Test until after Spring Break.

Students are continuing in their book club groups or reading groups if their book is complete.  You can support book clubs at home by asking your child about their book and if they are keeping up with the assignments.  


In Chapter 14, we have reviewed a lot of geometry terms!  So far we have learned all about lines, angles, and triangles.  Check out the angles we measured last Thursday below!  We will continue with quadrilaterals, lines of symmetry, and area and perimeter.  The Chapter 14th Test on geometry is set for Friday, March 31st. 

Science/Social Studies
This week we are making circuit boards while learning US states and capitals!  Be sure to check the next blog post to see how they turned out!  After break we will resume in Social Studies.  

Other Important Info.  
  • Third Quarter Report Cards are emailed on Monday, March 13th.
  • Spring conferences will be held this Thursday, March 16th from 3:45-7:00 PM.  These conferences are optional, and I will meet with parents that I have requested or that have signed up for a conference.  
  • This Friday, March 17th is a half day.
  • Spring Break is March 20th-24th! 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Weekly Update

Students continue to work hard, as Informational Books are due March 8th and are celebrated on March 9th! Again, it would be helpful if students could bring their devices in this next week as all fourth graders are typing and publishing their work.  I can't wait to see the finished products!   There will not be another Spelling Test until after Spring Break. 

Students are continuing in their book club groups or reading groups if their book is complete.  You can support book clubs at home by asking your child about their book and if they are keeping up with the assignments.  We also started reading a historical fiction book as a class read aloud.  Students are enjoying, "Number the Stars."

We have finished Chapter 11 on customary measurement, and the Chapter 11 Test is set for Monday, March 6th.  Students need to have units of measurement memorized, and can use Quizlet to help in studying.  The username is Long-Leighton and the password is leighton.  The set to study is called, "Measurement- Length, Weight, Liquid Volume."

This past week we added a discussion of transfer of energy to our current electricity study.  Don't forget that students can complete extra practice and extra credit activities on the online Science textbook: Pearson.  Students will receive the study guide on Monday.  The Chapter 9 Electricity Test is scheduled for Thursday, March 9th.

Other Important Info.  

  • Don't forget that we celebrate Informational Books this upcoming Thursday, and you are invited! 
  • Third Quarter ends Friday, March 10th, which is a half day. We will also have another author's visit and watch the health video that day.
  • Third Quarter Report Cards are emailed on Monday, March 13th.
  • Spring conferences are optional. Invitations were sent to parents with whom I am requesting a spring conference.  If I had not requested a conference but you would like to meet, you may sign up via SignUpGenius using this link: Spring Conference Sign Up.  Spring conferences are held on Thursday, March 16th from 3:45-7:00 PM.
  • Friday, March 17th is a half day.
  • Spring Break is March 20th-24th!