Monday, August 19, 2013

Assignment Books

This week we are getting into more routines.  Each student has a yellow assignment notebook in the front of their binder.  The binder (and therefore assignment notebook) comes home every night.  As I mentioned before, the assignment notebook is going to be a main form of communication this year.  

Starting this week, students will fill out the Reading Log portion of the assignment notebook as part of their reading homework.  I am looking for 120 minutes of reading at home each week.  However, how students split up those minutes is up to them and their schedule.  Students may evenly break up that time to 24 minutes each weekday, or they may read 30 minutes Monday-Thursday.  We also discussed that a student may read for 40 minutes in just one night.  As long as students have at least 120 minutes for the week, they will get full credit.  Of course, students may also exceed the 120 minutes of reading each week.  The only other homework students have tonight is to brush up on their math facts (especially multiplication).  I had students cross out the "writing/spelling" section of the assignment notebook for today because we have not yet discussed our reflection journals that will be coming home each night.  Finally, students colored in their behavior circle at the bottom of the notebook.  We will discuss my behavior management system on Curriculum Night this Thursday, but a color of green, yellow, orange or red is great!  A blue circle would represent a "warning," and a purple or pink circle would notify you that your child made 2 or more poor choices for the day.  I told students that I would like them to go over their assignment notebook with a parent on a nightly basis, and then their parent should sign or initial next to the colored circle.  A parent's signature verifies that the reading log information is correct and also lets me know that you have seen your child's behavior for the day and homework assignments for the night.  Tomorrow morning, I will briefly meet with students to look for the signature or any other notes that may be for me in the assignment notebook.  (Please do not write dismissal notices in the "notes" section, as these need to also be turned in to the office.)  Below I have circled the sections of the assignment notebook that students are to use tonight.  

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I look forward to Curriculum Night this Thursday at 6 p.m.!

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