Friday, December 13, 2013

Weekly Update

We took the Unit 3 Test on Wednesday, and we have been moving along in Chapter 10.  Students are using their basic facts knowledge to help them in solving 1-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems!  They are doing great!  We also reviewed rounding and graphs this week!  

Alex is working on the graphing activity.  What is the mystery picture?

Lola's finished product!
In reading groups, we are working towards finishing our rocks books.  Our webs are full of information about rocks, minerals, and mining!   

Right now in our essays, we are editing and publishing.  This week we especially addressed run-on sentences.  We fixed them with commas and conjunction words, or we broke the run-on sentence into smaller sentences.  These essays are really looking great!  Today we took our spelling tests.  Next week, we will have the classroom spelling bee. 

This week in Science, we got to investigate a rock to determine if it was an igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rock!  We looked at the color, luster, texture, shape, and many other characteristics of the rock.  Some were flat, some were smooth, some had crystals, some were light-weight, some had layers, some were flaky, and some were very shiny.  We even got to test the streak of our rock and others using a streak plate!  Also this week, we talked about weathering, erosion, and the three different layers of soil.  Students took home a soil scroll project.  It is due on Tuesday of next week, 12/17.  Most students only have to color and add the plants and animals to their scroll.  Our Chapter 5 Rocks Test is Thursday, 12/19.  Don't forget- students can earn extra credit from completing the online rock activities!  Click on our textbook below to be directed to the online resources, or go to

Raph investigating his rock
Can you see the streak that Katherine's rock left?
We found that Graphite is used in pencils!  
Gianna and Miles are studying their rocks
Alex and Spencer are investigating other types of rocks
Ava found a fossil of a worm in one sedimentary rock!  
John is working hard on his soil scroll!

Macey is halfway through with her scroll

Important Info.
In Tuesday's Flyer Folder, students brought home the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Log.  Stapled to the front of the reading log is a parent information letter.  In class we discussed that students can not count their homework reading minutes towards the program.  These minutes have to be additional minutes that are not related to a homework assignment.  The reading logs are due February 20th.  Students who participate will earn a free Six Flags ticket!  Students took home a reading Friday Homework passage this week titled, "Christmas in Hawaii."  Boys' letters and Friday Homework will be due next week on Thursday the 19th instead of Friday the 20th.  On Friday the 20th, we will have our Winter Party.  It will start at 2:00.  Also, as a reminder, students will participate in our classroom spelling bee next week.  They have their word list and the Great American Spell Check newspaper to help them study this weekend.

Finally, below are some pictures of our buddy activity this week!  We reviewed Habit 3, Put first things first.  After watching a really neat video that explains this habit, we got to act as teachers for our first grade buddies.  We prompted them to come up with different ways that they can put first things first.  For example: "I will feed my cat.  Then, I will play with my friends."  Below the pictures is the video we watched.  It's a great video if you would like to check it out!

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