Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekly Update

This past week we continued our Geometry unit with Chapter 19 on symmetry, congruent and similar figures, and transformations such as rotations, reflections and translations.  Ask your child about the trick they learned in telling the three transformations apart!  Our MAP word of the week was symmetry, so it fit perfectly with our math studies.  We used reflection and rotational symmetry in making designs on a grid.  See some of our creations below!

A big focus this week in Reading and Writing was poetry.  In Reading, we read an assortment of poems from many different authors.  We dug deeper into the meaning of these poems using a reading technique called close reading.  This means that we read the poem on our own and noted our own thoughts.  Then, we read it together and in small groups.  Each time we read the poem, we were able to notice more about it and make more meaning.  We will continue to learn more about poetry next week!  Also next week, students will start their new book club books.    

In Writing, we are in the process of collecting a variety of poems from different poets to add in our poem portfolioSome poems are funny and some are serious and thought-provoking.  Some are haikus and some are free verse.  Students then wrote a paragraph for each poem describing why they picked that particular poem.  Our literacy MAP word of the week was root words.  Therefore, in Spelling, our new word sorts contain either a prefix or suffix.  The next spelling test is Friday, April 4th.  

Social Studies
We have started Chapter 6, "A Growing State," in our Social Studies curriculum.  This week we learned all about slavery and the underground railroad.  We read many books and even watched a few short videos to help us in understanding the details of this time in history.  Students found this topic very interesting.  After reading a book titled, "The Patchwork Path," students chose their own quilt piece to decorate.  We found out that these quilt pieces were code for runaway slaves heading towards freedom.  Mrs. Leighton is currently making our class quilt, so check the blog for the finished product soon!  

Hannah is decorating her "Bow Ties" pattern, which told the slaves to dress in nice clothes.
 Raph is decorating the "Carpenter's Wheel" pattern, which reminded slaves to "run with faith."
Lola is decorating the "Drunkard's Path" pattern, reminding the slaves to
follow a zig-zag path instead of a straight line.

Important Info.
Report Cards were emailed home this past Wednesday.  Please let me know if you have any questions or if you did not receive an emailed report card.  Fourth graders will view the Health Growth and Development videos on Monday (3/31) and Wednesday (4/2).  The girls will watch their video on Monday during block, and the boys will view their video on Wednesday during block.  If you do not wish for your child to see the video, please email me.  If you have any questions please email Amanda Klahs, our school nurse.  Missouri's Arbor Day is the first Friday in April, so students took home an Eastern Redbud tree on Friday to take home and plant or to give to a loved one as a gift.  Students also took home information for planting and caring for the trees.  We discussed that these trees should be planted ASAP in order for them to survive.  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Weekly Update

This week we finished Chapters 17 and 18 of our geometry unit.  After spring break, we will resume our geometry unit with motion geometry, including symmetry and 3D figures.  Our MAP word of the week was support.  We practice this every time that we need to explain our answers in math.  It was a good reminder!  

We were very excited to start our new class read aloud, "Wonder" by R. J. Palacio.  We can't wait to continue this after the break!  Our MAP word of the week in reading was also support.  Similarly to math, we can support our thinking in reading too by using examples and text support.  This week, we have finished all of our book club books.  See one of the book club's book trailer summary below!  After spring break, students will start their new books for book clubs.  

We have finished our informational books!  I am SO proud of the hard work that students had put into their chapters, text features, and in the appearance of their books!  I can't wait to send these home with students after spring break so that you can be just as proud!  Check out the pictures of our grade-wide celebration!  We will resume with new spelling word sorts after spring break.

Here's a sampling of our class's informational books!  

Reading Mrs. Donze's, Mrs. Groh's and Mrs. Garrison's class books!

Science/Social Studies
We have finished our electricity unit.  After spring break, we will resume with our social studies curriculum in Chapter 6, "A Growing State."  We will learn about topics such as slavery and the Civil War.  

Lincoln Peirce
We were so lucky today to have Lincoln Peirce visit our school!  We learned that Mr. Peirce loved cartoons as a child and wanted to be a famous cartoonist when he grew up.  He showed us drawings he made as a kid, drew some pictures for us, and shared some tricks of the trade.  We learned a little about perspective in drawing too.  To find out more about Lincoln Peirce or his books, visit this link:

Mr. Peirce loved Charlie Brown as a kid!

Mr. Peirce imitated different illustrators' drawings as practice

Drawing from different angles

One of his first published cartoons

Mr. Peirce turned a scribble into a character!

Which lines show that the baseball flew through the air faster?

Spencer got his Big Nate book autographed!

Eric also got his Big Nate book autographed!  
Important Info.
Scholastic book orders were passed out last Friday.  Each student received a coupon from Scholastic on Valentine's Day that allows them to get a free $5 book with a $10 order.  It expires March 31st.  I will take any orders submitted online tonight as well!  Click on the picture link below if you would like to order online.  

Spring break is next week, March 17th-21st.  Have a nice and relaxing break!  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekly Update

This week we reviewed Chapters 17 and 18 on lines and polygons.  We will finish our review early next week, and  the Chapters 17/18 Test is next Thursday.  Students received the study guide on Friday.  Extra credit is available for doing the extra practice pages from the textbook that are listed at the bottom of the study guide.  The online textbook link can be found here: Our Math MAP word of the week was mean.  We reviewed mean, median, mode, and range with a fun "cootie catcher"!  

Finished Geometry Town Project!  

Katherine is creating a fun pattern!

Using tangrams in the games rotation


This week we were involved in many activities for Read Across America Week!  All classes decorated their doors with either their favorite Dr. Seuss book or their favorite class book.  We decorated our classroom door  with our favorite read aloud thus far, "Pie."  The students did a fantastic job with our door- check it out below!  Also, this week in library, we found out that Dr. Seuss was a political cartoonist.  We researched the bigger, hidden meanings in some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books such as Yertle the Turtle, The Butter Battle Book, and The Lorax.  Our Reading MAP word of the week was infer.  We had a lot of fun inferring this week with videos and QR codes!  In book clubs, "Troublemaker" and "Room One" have finished their books.  They are now working on iMovie book trailers, and I will post these to the blog when they are complete.  "A Week in the Woods" and "Above Average" will finish next week.  After spring break, students will start their new books for book clubs.  

Alex, Raph, and Miles are making inferences

Reagan and Lola are checking their inferences using the QR code answers!

In writing this week we have started and finished Chapter 4 of our informational books.  In Chapter 4, students wrote a mini-essay as they created a thesis in explaining why their informational book topic is important.  Like our previous essays, they then gave examples to support their reasoning and opinions of their topic.  If students are not finished with drafting Chapters 1-4 of their book, they were told to take home their writing notebook to catch up at home.  I am excited to have the students publish these books next week!  On Thursday, we will share our completed informational books with the other fourth grade classes!   In Spelling, students took their test on Friday.  We will resume with new spelling word sorts after spring break, which means the students get a break from spelling words next week!  

This week we finished our electricity unit and received the Chapter 9 study guide.  The Chapter 9 Electricity Test is next Tuesday.  Don't forget- students can click here or go to to log on to the online science website to complete practice activities and earn extra credit.  

The circuit boards are complete!  Lola and Reagan are matching their states and capitals.

Important Info.
There is no Friday Homework this week!  Students should be working on their writing if they are behind and studying for upcoming tests.  On Friday, March 14th we have another half day, with dismissal at 11:50.  Lunch will not be served.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.  Scholastic book orders were passed out on Friday.  Each student received a coupon from Scholastic on Valentine's Day that allows them to get a free $5 book with a $10 order.  It expires March 31st.  Book orders are due next Friday, March 14th before spring break.  Click on the picture link below if you would like to order online.  

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekly Update

This week we have reviewed lines, rays, angles, polygons, types of triangles, and quadrilaterals.  In the activity rotation, we worked on a project called, "Geometry Town."  This project is due on Monday and is worth 40 points.  Also, we started MAP words of the week!  Our Math MAP word(s) of the week were area and perimeter!  In the games rotation, we practiced finding the area and perimeter of different coordinates in "Island Conquer."  We also found the area of squares and rectangles using Cheez-Its!  Finally, some of us had extra time to find the area and perimeter of our names!  Check out pictures from this week in Math:

Our Reading MAP word of the week was sequence!  We practiced sequencing with a recipe in reading groups, and "how to" sequence strips in small groups.  As a reminder, book clubs meet on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Students should read the assigned pages and complete their book club role sheet before meeting in group.  They do receive a grade for this assignment each Wednesday and Friday, and they are allowed to complete their assignment during reading time in class.  Many groups have just finished their book, or will be nearing the end very soon.  Students will then start a new book club book!  

In writing, we continued in our informational books in drafting Chapter 3, which is a diary entry or a letter from the perspective of a person involved in our topic (ex. marine biologist, soldier, pioneer).  We reviewed perspective this week in writing our entries.  In addition, we used a picture of our setting to help us in visualizing and adding details.  Students did a good job of putting themselves in someone else's shoes and writing from their point of view.  Next week we will move on to Chapter 4, the conclusion.  We will answer the question, "Why is this topic important?"  In Spelling, students received their new sorts.  Their test is next Friday.

This week we continued current electricity in building our own circuit boards!  We put 11 states on one side of the board, and scrambled their corresponding 11 capitals on the other.  When we match the correct state and it's capital with wires, a light will light up!  These will come home on Monday.  Don't forget- students can click here or go to to log on to the online science website to complete activities and earn extra credit.  

This week we review timelines in library.  It was perfect timing because students can use the website that Mrs. Justus showed us in making their own timeline for their informational book!  

We also met with our first grade buddies this week to review Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then be Understood.  We watched a video of two people that didn't use good communication skills, and then acted out great and poor communication skills.  The good communication skills included: Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears; Stand in the person's shoes; and Mirroring.  

Important Info.
Friday Homework this week is Math (Standardized Test Prep. Chs. 1-12).   Spring conferences will be held on Thursday, March 6th.  Spring conferences are optional, so make sure that you have signed up if a conference was requested.  March 6th is also Principals' Day!  :)  Friday, March 7th is a half day, with dismissal at 11:50.  Lunch will not be served.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.