Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekly Update

This week we reviewed Chapters 17 and 18 on lines and polygons.  We will finish our review early next week, and  the Chapters 17/18 Test is next Thursday.  Students received the study guide on Friday.  Extra credit is available for doing the extra practice pages from the textbook that are listed at the bottom of the study guide.  The online textbook link can be found here: Our Math MAP word of the week was mean.  We reviewed mean, median, mode, and range with a fun "cootie catcher"!  

Finished Geometry Town Project!  

Katherine is creating a fun pattern!

Using tangrams in the games rotation


This week we were involved in many activities for Read Across America Week!  All classes decorated their doors with either their favorite Dr. Seuss book or their favorite class book.  We decorated our classroom door  with our favorite read aloud thus far, "Pie."  The students did a fantastic job with our door- check it out below!  Also, this week in library, we found out that Dr. Seuss was a political cartoonist.  We researched the bigger, hidden meanings in some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books such as Yertle the Turtle, The Butter Battle Book, and The Lorax.  Our Reading MAP word of the week was infer.  We had a lot of fun inferring this week with videos and QR codes!  In book clubs, "Troublemaker" and "Room One" have finished their books.  They are now working on iMovie book trailers, and I will post these to the blog when they are complete.  "A Week in the Woods" and "Above Average" will finish next week.  After spring break, students will start their new books for book clubs.  

Alex, Raph, and Miles are making inferences

Reagan and Lola are checking their inferences using the QR code answers!

In writing this week we have started and finished Chapter 4 of our informational books.  In Chapter 4, students wrote a mini-essay as they created a thesis in explaining why their informational book topic is important.  Like our previous essays, they then gave examples to support their reasoning and opinions of their topic.  If students are not finished with drafting Chapters 1-4 of their book, they were told to take home their writing notebook to catch up at home.  I am excited to have the students publish these books next week!  On Thursday, we will share our completed informational books with the other fourth grade classes!   In Spelling, students took their test on Friday.  We will resume with new spelling word sorts after spring break, which means the students get a break from spelling words next week!  

This week we finished our electricity unit and received the Chapter 9 study guide.  The Chapter 9 Electricity Test is next Tuesday.  Don't forget- students can click here or go to to log on to the online science website to complete practice activities and earn extra credit.  

The circuit boards are complete!  Lola and Reagan are matching their states and capitals.

Important Info.
There is no Friday Homework this week!  Students should be working on their writing if they are behind and studying for upcoming tests.  On Friday, March 14th we have another half day, with dismissal at 11:50.  Lunch will not be served.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.  Scholastic book orders were passed out on Friday.  Each student received a coupon from Scholastic on Valentine's Day that allows them to get a free $5 book with a $10 order.  It expires March 31st.  Book orders are due next Friday, March 14th before spring break.  Click on the picture link below if you would like to order online.  

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