Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekly Update

This past week we took our test on Chapter 19 and have started Chapter 24 on customary measurement.  We discussed how to measure length, weight, and liquid volume.  Check out Gallon Robot below to help us in remembering our units of liquid volume!  Students have a quiz over customary measurements next Wednesday, in which they need to know how many inches are in one foot, feet in a mile, ounces in a pound, ounces in a cup, etc.  They can use their flipbook and Quizlet to help them study.  

Username: Long-Leighton
Password: leighton

Measurement flipbook

Alex and Tyler playing the measurement matching game

Gallon Robots are taking over the room!

We continued our poetry unit in reading and writing, and are working on our poetry anthologies.  We also continued with book clubs.  We meet on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Students should read the assigned pages and complete their book club role sheet before meeting in group.  They receive a grade for this assignment, and they are allowed to complete their assignment during reading time in class.

This past week we added to our poetry collection by writing acrostic poems, color poems, and concrete poems.  See some of the students' acrostic poems below.  Students are doing great with this!  We will continue in editing and publishing our poetry anthologies next week.   In Spelling, we received our new prefixes and suffixes word sort.  Because there is no school this Friday, the spelling test will be this Thursday, 4/17.  

Social Studies/Science 
We finished Chapter 6 in social studies, and will start our Forces and Motion unit in science this week.  In this unit, we will explore topics such as friction, gravity, velocity and acceleration.  

Important Info.
As a reminder, our MAP testing dates will be April 22nd and 23rd for Communication Arts, and April 29th, 30th and May 1st for Mathematics. Please try not to schedule any appointments on these days.  It is important that your child is in attendance.  Also, students took home a note in Flyer Folders regarding our MAP snack trail mix!  

Mr. Kassulke would like me to put this link on our blog for students to practice reading music notes at home:

Please remember that there is no school this Friday, April 18th!  

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