Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekly Update

This past week in writing we focused on the editing process as we worked on paragraphing and transitioning with transition words.  We are nearing the end of our writing piece.  This week we will publish our pieces, and our realistic fiction writing celebration will be on Friday!  In Spelling, students received their new word sorts.  The next spelling test is this Friday, October 3rd.  

Choosing transition words to add to our stories

Using our classmates to help in revising and editing

This week we finished with our review of summarizing, and we will continue to work on this in reading groups.  We also created book reviews.  Stay tuned for our fall book recommendations display.  Girls' reading letters are due this Friday, 10/3.  

After assessing Chapter 2, we began to prepare for Chapter 3: Understand Multiplication and Division.  Students are working on flashcards for multiplication facts 7-12 to add to their 2-6 facts that they should be studying at home.  We will be taking multiplication quizzes, starting with the 2's this Wednesday, to hold students responsible.  Then, as students master the 2's, they will progress to the 3's, 4's, 5's, etc.  Also, Friday Homework is the Chapter 3 Math Standardized Test Practice, due 10/3.  

Social Studies/Science
Students have received the Landforms/Maps study guide.  In class, we are working on identifying landforms in the United States such as the Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, Gulf of Mexico, etc.  The Landforms/Map Test will be this Wednesday, 10/1.  Students can use the study guide, U.S. map worksheet, and landforms flipbook as study resources.  After this unit, we will move to the ecosystems unit in science! 

Also, ask your child what Chef MIMAL helps them in remembering! 

We got to meet with our buddies again this past week to finish our "get to know you" activity.  We decorated cut-out people and hearts that represented a Venn Diagram in finding our similarities and also what makes us unique!   

Other Important Info.
  • Please remember to sign tests coming home with a "parent signature" stamp so that I know you are informed on your child's progress.  
  • On October 7th, we will go to Babler State Park for Missouri Heritage Days!  Make sure your child dresses for the weather, wears comfortable shoes, and brings his/her lunch!  
  • Don't forget that the "Links & Resources" tab at the top of the blog currently has helpful information about spelling, reading, math and science.  As the year progresses, it will continue to be regularly updated with important links and documents to help students in being successful.  

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Weekly Update

This week in writing we focused on dialogue.  We learned to add meaningful and purposeful dialogue and how to punctuate dialogue correctly.  In addition, students came up with many different words to use instead of "said" (see below).  We also started the revision process as we reread our papers with different "lenses" to check for certain things in our writing (i.e. how it sounds, sensory details, meaningful dialogue, etc.) and as we assessed our story endings.  In Spelling, students took the test on Friday and will get new words on Monday.  

This week we continued sharing our reading lives with a friend.  We reviewed retelling and summarizing in having conversations about our reading.  We also discussed ways that would push our reading partner to further think about the book they are reading.  We will continue with summarizing and book recommendations next week.  Boy's reading letters are due this Thursday, 9/25.  The Friday Homework this week is a reading titled, "The Skeleton Key."  It is due Thursday, 9/25, 

This week we worked on regrouping in adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers.  We were even able to check our work as we rounded to estimate those sums and differences.  The Chapter 2 Test is Monday, 9/22.  Students received the study pages and a practice test (extra credit).  In Chapter 3 we will be working with multiplication and division.  It is important that your child continue to practice their facts at home regularly.  

Social Studies
Hand map projects are this Tuesday, 9/23.  Students need to finish this at home.  Next week we will move on to landforms in the United States.  

This week we got to meet our first grade buddies! 

Other Important Info.
  • Picture Day is this Wednesday, 9/24!
  • This Friday 9/26 there is no school! 
  • Permission slips for our first field trip went home in Friday's Flyer Folder.  On October 7th, we will go to Babler State Park for Missouri Heritage Days!  I can only take 3 parent volunteers as space is limited.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekly Update

This past week in writing we focused on adding sensory details.  We especially focused on sight sensory details as we worked on describing the setting of our story.  We also revised our leads to either start with an action, sound effect, dialogue or thought, flashback, description, or a question to draw the reader in to our story.  In Spelling, students received their new word sorts.  Their next spelling test will be this coming Friday, 9/19.

Students added their great sensory words to our anchor chart!
Sharing with our writing partners

This past week we started to discuss sharing our reading lives with a friend.  So far, we've discussed how reading with someone can help us to practice our fluency and become better readers.  We practiced reading with a partner, and then summarizing what was read.  This week we also worked on the eValuate in reading and math.  The eValuate tests are practice assessments that we take each month to prepare us for spring testing.  We worked together this first month, as this is the first time that the assessment is fully taken on the computer- nothing but scratch paper can be used.  Each month, we also chart our progress and make goals for the next month.  As a reminder, boy's reading letters are due Friday, 9/19.  

This past week we began Chapter 2 with addition and subtraction properties and patterns.  This coming week we will review rounding as we estimate sums and differences.  We will also review regrouping and adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers.  The Chapter 2 Test is set for next Monday, 9/22.  Students will receive the study guide later this week. This week's Friday Homework is the Math Standardized Test Prep. Chs. 1-2.  It is due Friday, 9/19. 

Reviewing properties of addition
Practicing rounding in the math games rotation
Working on the math eValuate together

Social Studies
In social studies this past week, we began our hand map project.  We will continue these projects this week.  

Other Important Info.

  • This coming Wednesday (9/17) is our first Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure that your child knows how they will be getting home.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Weekly Update

Students have been working very hard this week in writing descriptive scenes for their realistic fiction stories.  We are adding so many details and description to come up with some amazing scenes!  In Spelling, students took their first test today.  They will receive their new word sorts on Monday.

Students working with their writing partners to verbally add details to small moments/sentences before
turning them into descriptive and exciting written story scenes!

This week we reread to comprehend, read forward to solve unknown words, and found out when it could be a good time to abandon a book (see our ideas below).  Next week we will focus on how to share our reading life with friends.  Girls' reading letters are due next Friday, 9/12.  Also, Friday Homework for this week is a reading titled, "Is That a Boa or a Python?"  Students are to underline support for their answers in the text to receive full credit.  

This week we finished Chapter 1 with rounding, word problem practice, and the first math test today.  Next week we will begin Chapter 2 with properties of addition and subtraction.  Keep an eye out for the Math at Home Chapter 2 sheet to go home in Flyer Folders next week.  

Creating a place value chart in the activity rotation
Social Studies
A few students did not finish their landforms flipbook, which is due on Tuesday.  Next week we will locate landforms on a U.S. map and start our landforms hand map project!  

Other Important Info.
  • Scholastic Book Orders  went home today.  If you want to place an order, you may send a check made out to Scholastic or order online using the directions that were sent home on a pink sheet and clicking on the link below.  Orders are due next Friday, 9/12.