Saturday, September 20, 2014

Weekly Update

This week in writing we focused on dialogue.  We learned to add meaningful and purposeful dialogue and how to punctuate dialogue correctly.  In addition, students came up with many different words to use instead of "said" (see below).  We also started the revision process as we reread our papers with different "lenses" to check for certain things in our writing (i.e. how it sounds, sensory details, meaningful dialogue, etc.) and as we assessed our story endings.  In Spelling, students took the test on Friday and will get new words on Monday.  

This week we continued sharing our reading lives with a friend.  We reviewed retelling and summarizing in having conversations about our reading.  We also discussed ways that would push our reading partner to further think about the book they are reading.  We will continue with summarizing and book recommendations next week.  Boy's reading letters are due this Thursday, 9/25.  The Friday Homework this week is a reading titled, "The Skeleton Key."  It is due Thursday, 9/25, 

This week we worked on regrouping in adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers.  We were even able to check our work as we rounded to estimate those sums and differences.  The Chapter 2 Test is Monday, 9/22.  Students received the study pages and a practice test (extra credit).  In Chapter 3 we will be working with multiplication and division.  It is important that your child continue to practice their facts at home regularly.  

Social Studies
Hand map projects are this Tuesday, 9/23.  Students need to finish this at home.  Next week we will move on to landforms in the United States.  

This week we got to meet our first grade buddies! 

Other Important Info.
  • Picture Day is this Wednesday, 9/24!
  • This Friday 9/26 there is no school! 
  • Permission slips for our first field trip went home in Friday's Flyer Folder.  On October 7th, we will go to Babler State Park for Missouri Heritage Days!  I can only take 3 parent volunteers as space is limited.

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