Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Weekly Update

Class Book!
On Friday I sent home order forms for our classroom book that we are currently making!  Our next writing project is for students to research and write a page about a Famous Missourian.  They will then draw a corresponding picture to go with their writing.  This will all be completed in class.  Each child will produce two pages, and these pages will then be turned into a nice, color, hardbound class book that will be featured in our school library.  Each class in each grade level at Long is working on a class book, and every one will be unique.  You also have a chance to buy one of these class books.  Please reference the order form and envelope your student brought home The form must be returned for ALL students, either marked "YES" at the top or "NO" at the bottom for purchasing a book. You can learn more about these books at http://www.studentreasures.com/.  

Also, our book will have other text features, such as a cover page.  There is only one cover page, but we have 25 students in our class.  So, we are holding a Cover Page Contest!  This means that we will hold a vote this Friday to determine our cover page winner.  Good luck, students! 

Other Important Info.
  • This Friday, 3/11 is Spring Pictures Day
  • You will receive 3rd Quarter Report Cards sometime this week via email.  
  • Spring Break is March 21st-25th! 
  • Spring conferences are optional. I will be sending out invitations to parents with whom I am requesting a spring conference this Friday (3/11) via an email from SignUpGenius.  If I had not requested a conference but you would like to meet, you may sign up via SignUpGenius starting March 18th.  I will be emailing the link that day.  Spring conferences are held on Thursday, March 31st from 3:45-7:00 PM.

Last Friday we celebrated our informational books by getting to read students' books in all fourth grade classes!  We learned so much! 

Book clubs meet every Wednesday and Friday.  Students are having some awesome conversations!  Keep it up!  
We took the Chapter 10 Math Test on fractions and decimals on Monday.  We will now start customary measurement with length, capacity, and then weight.  

Last week we built circuits!  Check out the fun we had!  We will be wrapping up this chapter this week.  Stay tuned for the test date in the next Weekly Update. 

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