Friday, April 29, 2016

Weekly Update

Today we started our poetry unit!  We read through poetry, looking for themes that interest us for our poetry anthologies that we will create.  Themes include pets (love, responsibility), sports (dedication, determination, perseverance), nature, peace, laughter/happiness, etc.  Next week we will continue to find poems in various forms by a variety of authors that fit our themes.  Students will also receive their spelling words on Monday.  The final Spelling Test will be Thursday, May 12th since there is no school on Friday, May 13th.  

We finished our read aloud Matilda this week!  Students celebrated their hard work on the MAP Test by watching the movie, "Matilda."  It was fun for them to compare the book and movie, and they really seemed to enjoy it!

Next Wednesday (5/4) is the Area and Perimeter Quiz.  We reviewed today and will continue to review next Monday and Tuesday.  Students will work on the study guide on Monday.  

On Monday we will resume our science study with our forces and motion unit.  There are many fun labs in this unit! 

Other Important Info.
  • Please respond to the Field Day Lunch Sign-Up that was sent earlier today via email.  Ms. Shellie in the cafeteria would like to know who would like a sack lunch on May 20th so that she can prepare orders.  Please respond to the email by May 8th.  Thank you!
  • We are in need of Field Day Volunteers.  Please use this link to sign up:

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