Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weekly Update

This week students continued to add descriptive details to their writing.  We also focused on writing dialogue, making sure it was correctly punctuated.  Also within editing, we learned when to create new paragraphs.  We will continue to study dialogue and paragraphing this week.  Students are making good progress with their stories!  

This week we are going to focus on using the story arc and characters to develop significant ideas about the book, as well as find meaning in repeated details.  We are a little over halfway through with "The Tiger Rising," and students are loving it!

On Monday we will review Chapter 2, and students will bring home their study guides.  The Chapter 2 Test is this Tuesday, 9/19.   It is important that students continue to study multiplication facts at home. 

Here we are playing a favorite multiplication game in class!

Social Studies/Science
Below are some of the students' US region/states suitcases!  They will get their graded rubrics and suitcases to take home tomorrow.  They did an awesome job presenting their suitcases last week!  This week we will look more into ecosystems and food chains in science.  The vocabulary quiz will be next Monday, September 25th.  

This week we will discuss the website Quizlet as a means of studying vocabulary words.  Everyone uses the same class account:

Username:  Long-Leighton
Password:  leighton

(The username and password are case sensitive!)

Other Important Info.

  • There is no school this Friday, September 22nd
  • Students received a permission slip for our first field trip last week!  Fourth grade students will be headed to Babler State Park on October 11th for Missouri Heritage Days, where we will find out more about the pioneer days. 
  • Mid-quarter Reports will go out this week to parents of students with a C or below in any subject. However, please note that we have just started our first science unit, writing grades will not be posted until students finish their first writing assignment (realistic fiction narratives), and reading grades will not be posted until the end of the quarter as they reflect students' current reading levels.   

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