Sunday, February 4, 2018

Weekly Update


Our Revolutionary War chapter books are due this week.  Then, we will start our second books on our own topic.  Students' books are turning out great! 

Book clubs are off to a nice start!  As a reminder, students are responsible for reading an agreed upon number of chapters outside of book club time.  In this first book club, students will use role sheets (i.e. predictor, connector, summarizer, clarifier, characterizer, and discussion director) to help guide them in having conversations about the chapters' events and characters.  These book club role sheets are completed outside of the book club meeting time along with reading the assigned chapters, so that all students are prepared!  Each group chose two days to meet each week.  

In Chapter 9, we have added and subtracted fractions and mixed numbers.  We will multiply fractions this week.  The Chapter 9 Test will be this Friday, 2/9.

Social Studies
Below are students' colonists!  They were assigned "Loyalist" or "Patriot,"  and then chose a specific colonist to write about the Revolutionary War events from his or her perspective.  I am so proud of their hard work!

We kicked off the new science unit with a lab!  Students were given a piece of foil, a lightbulb, and a battery.  Their job was to get their light bulb to light.  Then, they were given other materials such as wires and a switch.  They loved making circuits! 

Other Important Info. 
  • This Wednesday, 2/7, is an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home.  
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed forms are due Friday, February 23rd!  Your child can use the same minutes read outside of class on our reading log!  Students can turn in their form when they've read 6 hours to get a free Six Flags pass!  
  • We had two special events this past week!  On Monday, we got to meet Miss Missouri, hear her read a picture book she wrote, and ask her questions!  On Friday, the high school students came in to teach us about topics such as the Great Migration, Josephine Baker, and Booker T. Washington.  The fourth graders enjoyed the interactive rotations that the high schoolers prepared!

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