Friday, October 11, 2013

Ability Awareness Day

Today we enjoyed learning with Ability Awareness Day!  We got to hear about Autism, Down Syndrome, and prostheses. Below are some pictures of our morning.  Students have written the captions to provide you with information on what we learned and to share the activities that we participated in.


Today at they Autism presentation I learned that people with Autism can have very good hearing,seeing,tasting,touching,and smelling.  Alex
I got to be a volunteer. I had to say,  I want water with out using the words, drink and water. So I pointed to the cup ,my throat and I did a drinking motion-  Macey
During the Autism I got to be a volunteer for a game. Where you had to say that you wanted a drink of water without saying drink or water-  miles
 People who have autism are just like us but a little different.Some times they have sensitive,touch, sight.hearing,smell,and taste.Things could sound louder to them or smell,taste,touch,and there eyesight could be different.They like the same things as us like computer games, toys,or playing.They like to have friends like us to.People with autism are no different then us so we should treat them we treat are self's and other people.  Katherine
When we were learning about autism I thought it was cool that some kids with autism can hear from really long distances-John Z.

Down Syndrome


 I learned that Down Syndrome is a disability you are born with. It happens when you get an extra chromosome and that effects what people look like and how they learn. -Ella
It was fun learning about down syndrome. I learn that people with down syndrome 47 and we have 46
                                     By: Trevor Michel Scott Wallace

 Hi, its me Reagan. Today is October 11, 2013 it was Ability Awareness day! I learn about a lot of stuff about it, but the best thing we talk about was Down Syndrome. It was really interesting.

  I learn that people have Down Syndrome and its ok its not there fault that they have it. Its not a disease, or contagious  its just how they are. They may talk different, have a different mind on what your saying. If you ask them a question please give them some time to think. They also can't move there muscles like we do so we should help them if the ask for help but they may want to just keep trying so think about it! They are just being them and thats ok with me.

 Have you ever met a Down Syndrome person? I have and they are really nice if you get to no them and be nice because they are just like us and there is no need to be mean about it. Its fun to learn new things and make new and different friends that are  just the same and trying to understand.


I learned that if you are missing an arm you can still learn to do things like tie your shoes.- Raph

"Yello" this is awesome Lola! I was a helper . Well I thought I was amazing ,but I tried to open a soda with one hand . Ya it was hard. It was fun . I'm not in this pic but ,this was totes awesome .

Hello this is Dorothy and I learned that it doesn't matter how you are dressed our how you look your all the same person.

Hya Eric here we learned that you can feel good about yourself even if we are different.  

I learned that some people are born without arms or legs so they have prostetics to use -Gianna

I learned that if you have one arm you can learn a lot of cool stuff. - Hannah

I think the people that need prosthetics have harder lives than us. Elayna

As you can see, we learned a lot and had a lot of fun doing it!  Students, feel free to leave more comments on things that you've learned or activities that you participated in on Ability Awareness Day.

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