Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Math, we moved on in our time and data unit by using stem-and-leaf plots and comparing many different types of graphs.  On Thursday we had fun graphing with candy!  We used Hershey Kisses to estimate, count, and make a pictograph!  The students did great!  Next week we will move on with bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs.

We continued with our fiction unit and Storyworks magazine in reading groups.  This week we also talked about figurative language, focusing on similes and metaphors!  Check out the different activities that we participated in!

We created an anchor chart with definitions and our favorite examples from a card sort of similes and metaphors (below).
Sorting similes and metaphors

We made figurative language bookmarks that were laminated and sent home on Thursday!

We also used similes and metaphors to describe witches, ghosts, and other Halloween characters.

We are editing our realistic fiction stories.  So far, we have discussed dialogue rules and reviewed paragraphing. We took our first test on homophones.  We will receive our second homophones set this coming week.

Katherine and Raph looking for homophones during the "Word Hunt"

Science/Social Studies
This week we learned very interesting things about Missouri's rich history!  We found out that jazz is popular in Kansas City!  We also read about the contributions of many famous Missourians, including Mary Engelbreit, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Samuel Clemens, and Yogi Berra.  Finally, we discussed St. Louis.  We watched a video about how important our city is to our country, and we got to see how the arch was built!  Our test over Chapter 2 is set for this Thursday, November 7th.  

Other Important Info.
The students have no Friday Homework this week!  Happy Halloween!  I would like to thank all parents for coming to conferences!  Also, a big thank you to Stephanie Beattie and the other parent volunteers for a great Halloween party!  See below to check out the fun activities that we participated in.  Finally, Picture Retake Day is Friday, November 8th.   

Following the theme of what we learned in Reading this week, can you guess what Mrs. Leighton was?

And we said "goodbye" to one of our classmates and friends who is moving.  We will miss you, Owen!

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