Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly Update

We continued long division this week!  The students continue to do a pretty nice job with the process.  Again, our focus is to stay away from making careless mistakes in dividing, multiplying, or subtracting by checking our work!  Students will receive the chapters 13 and 14 study guide next week, and their Chapters 13 and 14 Test is next Thursday 2/13.    


We are continuing in our book clubs and having great conversations about our Andrew Clements books!  As a reminder, we meet on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Students should read the assigned pages and complete their book club role sheet before meeting in group.  They do receive a grade for this assignment each Wednesday and Friday, and they are allowed to complete their assignment during reading time in class.

We are learning so much about researching!  This week we found that researching is not just copying down a ton of facts on paper.  Instead, we are learning about our topic and becoming experts so that we can reteach the topic in our own words.  Check out all the ways that students have researched their topics below!  We will finish drafting Chapter 1 of our informational book (the big topic), and then move on to researching and drafting for Chapter 2 (the focused topic).  In Spelling, students took their tests today and will receive their new sorts next week!

The students were so excited to start our electricity unit this week!  Students have their new vocabulary cards and should be studying for their electricity vocabulary quiz next Wednesday 2/12.  We have learned about static electricity in a very fun way.  As we rubbed a balloon on our hair, we transferred electrons to the balloon and then the balloon stuck to the wall!  We found that opposite charges attract, and the same charges repel each other (like Macey's hair in the picture below!).  We also used the charged balloon to pick up hole punch pieces of paper off of the floor!  See below to check out our balloon experiment.  

Keeping with the research theme, students are learning a lot about their famous Missourians!  They have started to create either their PowerPoint or Prezi presentation on important people such as Mary Engelbreit, Samuel Clemens, Walt Disney, Sheryl Crow, and Harry S. Truman!  In library this week, we reviewed biographies and most of us were able to find a book resource to help us in researching about our famous Missourians in technology class! 

Important Info.
Valentine's Day reminders: Parents, any treats or fun items for the Valentine's Day Party should be labeled and will go home with Elayna.  Students took home a class list today, and they should have their valentines labeled and ready to go for the party on Friday!  Going with the Valentine's Day theme, this week's Friday Homework is a reading passage on this upcoming holiday titled, "Valentine's Tradition."  

Due to the snow day on Wednesday, we will now celebrate with Little Caesar's Pizza for lunch on Monday!  Next Wednesday 2/12 is an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home. 

Finally, students have had the chance to perform each of our classroom jobs for a whole week.  That means that it is time for them to apply for one of our classroom jobs!  In a class meeting today, we discussed the job application process.  These Classroom Job Applications are due on Monday.  

We met with our buddies this week to review Habit 4, Think Win-Win!  Students worked together to come up with ways that everyone can win in different situations!  For example, one friend wants to write during recess, but another friend wants to draw pictures.  A win-win situation would be that one friend can write a story and the other can illustrate the story!  

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