Saturday, August 30, 2014

Weekly Update

This week students started prewriting for their realistic fiction stories that we will take all the way through the writing process.  At this point, students have chosen a story idea and have thought a lot about their main character.  They have worked hard on developing their characters as they have brainstormed both internal and external characteristics and determined the struggles that their main characters will face in their realistic stories.  In addition, students have thought of multiple scenes to include in the plots of their stories.  In Spelling, students received their first word sorts.  Yellow group has sort 19, green group has sort 10, and blue group has sort 1.  Students' first spelling test is next Friday 9/5. 

Writing partners
Brainstorming internal and external character traits
Writing our 5-7 scenes on a story arc graphic organizer
Sorting our spelling words
This week we learned more great reading habits!  On Monday, we practiced writing about our reading with reading response letters.  The girls' letters were due yesterday, and the boys are due next Friday 9/5.  These letters are due every other Friday.  See the letter that we wrote as a class about our read aloud, "Wonder," below.  This week we also learned strategies for reading faster, stronger, longer.  First, we "used what we know to give it a go!"  This meant skipping tricky or foreign words or phrases that aren't important to the book (faster) or pausing while reading to reflect (stronger).  We also learned that we should "read with zeal and make it real!"  So, we practiced reading with fluency this week too!  Reading groups are in full swing.  Students are given time in class to work on their reading response letters and their reading group assignments.    

Finally, this week was our first visit to the library!  We will go for a library lesson every other Thursday from 11:00-11:30.  Students will also have time to checkout books at this time.  On the Thursdays that we don't have lessons, students can go up to the library to return or check out books during our reading time.  

This week we reviewed place value in Chapter 1.  We also compared and ordered numbers from least to greatest and vice versa.  On Friday we rounded numbers to the hundred thousands place.  We will continue to practice rounding on Monday.  We will also work on word problems and review Chapter 1.  The Chapter 1 Math Test is scheduled for next Friday, 9/5.  Students will work on the study pages next week in class.  Students also took home the "MathatHome" worksheet in Flyer Folders on Tuesday to further practice Chapter 1 math skills at home. 

Problem Solving
Playing Jenga Multiplication in the games rotation
Social Studies
This week in social studies we continued our landforms flipbooks, and we will finish these next week.  We also spent social studies time to accommodate two counselor lessons.  

Counselor Lessons
This week we enjoyed a lesson from a NCADA representative and another lesson from our new assistant counselor, Ms. McArthur!  Check out our awesome definitions of the word RESPECT! 

Other Important Info.
  • Friday Homework  for this week is the Chapter 1 Math Standardized Test Practice packet.  It is due next Friday.  
  • Students will need to be proactive with their homework due next Friday, using the weekend and school nights next week to complete a little of their homework/study each night.  We have two tests on next Friday (math and spelling).  Boys need to turn in their reading response letters on or before next Friday (they can also use reading class time to work on this).  And, all students need to have the math Friday Homework due by Friday.  Friday Homework can be turned in early. 
  • Flyer Folders came home with important notes and graded work this week.  As a reminder, please remember to check these folders each Tuesday and Friday.  
  • Thank you parents for signing the assignment book each night!  Students are doing a great job in reading 120 minutes per week and in filling out their assignment books in general!  
  • No School on Monday!  Enjoy the 3-day weekend!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Weekly Update

Welcome to our first Weekly Update!  We had a great full week of school to share with you!  

Students really impressed me with their writing!  This week, we reviewed watermelon and seed writing ideas.  Ask your child the difference between the two and who would win in a watermelon vs. seed battle!  We also had time to gather many writing ideas by prewriting in our writer's notebooks.  Finally, students started to draft some of their seed ideas.  Next week we will start our first official writing unit, realistic fiction narratives. 

Decorating our writer's notebooks!
Making a house map prewrite
Identifying watermelon vs. seed ideas
Drafting a narrative
Drafting a narrative

I can tell that I have a group who loves to read!  Which makes me very happy!  This week we focused on actions that good readers perform.  First, we made new (school) year reading resolutions.  Some of us decided that we need to try new genres, while others will work on reading one book at a time.  We also reviewed picking out books that are a good fit for us.  We learned the acronym PICK (Purpose, Interest, Comprehend, Know) to help us with this.  We also reviewed "just right" books and the "5 finger rule" to determine if books are too easy, too challenging, or just right.  As students became familiar with our class library, they added many books to their book interests/books to read list.  Most students have chosen a good chapter book that they can read at home and school.  Finally, we were reminded that "Reading is Thinking" this week.  As we read independently, we wrote our predictions, connections, inferences, etc. on sticky notes.  We will continue with good reading habits next week!

Making reading resolutions
PICKing a "just right" book
Finding interesting books in the class library
Choosing just right books
"Reading is thinking"
We had a great week in Math!  We practiced every rotation that will be in full swing next week!  As a recap, students will all start with a minilesson.  Then, they will be involved in one rotation a day (Computers, Activity, Math Games or Problem Solving), rotating daily so that students have the chance to work in each rotation.  Finally, students are pulled from their rotation to dig deeper into the day's lesson at the back table in a small group setting.  Next week we will continue with place value in Chapter 1. 

"All About Me" math notebook cover
Games rotation
Games rotation
Making multiplication flashcards at the activity rotation
Social Studies
We are already learning so much in social studies!  We started with a review of cardinal directions and the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world.  Students' first quiz will be next Tuesday, August 26th.  Using a word bank, they will label a blank map with the 7 continents and 5 oceans.  Students' study guides should be in their Take Home Folders.  Additionally, I have review games and activities on the Moodle.  In class, we have moved on to the study of landforms.  Students have started to make awesome flipbooks to help them in identifying some of the landforms vocabulary.  

Working on the "Royal Castle Floor Plan" cardinal directions activity

Other Important Info.

  • Thank you to all parents who could make Curriculum Night!  If you were not able to make it, your child will bring home our class handbook containing everything that I had discussed.  An electronic, color copy (which is especially helpful for the clip chart colors) can be found  here.  
  • Our spelling schedule will start next week, and students will receive their first word sort set.  
  • Strings students will have class on Tuesdays and Fridays with Mr. Chang from 12:45-1:15.  This means that they will miss recess, and then eat lunch at 1:15-1:30. 
  •  Students' first Friday Homework assignment was passed out today.  This week we have a reading assignment that is titled, "Hitchhikers in the Bathroom."  This is due next Friday, 8/29.  We alternate with math and reading Friday Homework.     

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Our Second Day of School!

We had a wonderful second day of fourth grade!  We continued to build community and practice classroom routines and expectations.  First, we practiced sitting in a circle for our first class meeting.  We reviewed the 7 Habits, introduced the classroom jobs, and learned about class points and the clip chart.  

This is our leaders clip chart.  We will use this as a type of behavior management.  Students will "clip up" whenever they are caught doing something good.  We made an ongoing list of ideas together, including helping our classmates, challenging one's learning, being on task, etc.  However, we also briefly discussed that making poor choices would result in clipping down the chart to either yellow or orange.  Students will be rewarded for landing in pink at the top of the chart, and may owe recess minutes or warrant a call home for landing in yellow or orange at the bottom of the chart.  You will know where your child landed at the end of the day by looking at the colored circle in the assignment book. The colored circles correspond with the colors on the clip chart.  More information can be found in our class handbook and a copy will be given to you on Curriculum Night this Wednesday.  

Next, we participated in the Cup Tower challenge.  Students had six cups and a "tool" to build a tower.  They couldn't use their hands in building their structure.  Take a look at students' towers and the clever ways they used their building tool.  

In the afternoon, we had our first Responsibility Recess.  On Wednesdays and Fridays, students who have turned in all homework and had great behavior will get to attend an extra afternoon recess!  We also had our first school assembly, where we met the new assistant principal, Mr. Schoenekase.  

For homework, students are to bring back any forms that need to be signed and returned in the manila envelope.  Also, if students have not already done so, they should bring in magazines and/or pictures they are interested in to decorate our writer's notebooks tomorrow.  

Important Info.
Curriculum Night is this Wednesday night at 6:30 in our classroom.  You will find out more about the classroom and fourth grade curriculum.   Weekly Updates will start next week on Friday.  That means that I will hold most blog posts and updates until Friday or sometime over the weekend to recap the week.  

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our First Day of School!

What an awesome first day of fourth grade!  We had a ton of fun getting to know our classmates and building community.  First, we acted as journalists by interviewing our classmates.  After students interviewed a partner, they introduced him or her to the rest of the class!  

We also used teamwork as table groups to take on the "Marshmallow Challenge," our first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) activity!  Students could only use 20 pieces of spaghetti, 1 yard of tape, 1 yard of string, and a large marshmallow in constructing the tallest tower in 18 minutes.  Table 1 made the tallest tower at 54 cm!  All students did a fantastic job with this challenge!    

In the afternoon, we started our first read aloud, "Wonder!"  This is one of Mrs. Leighton's favorite books, and it's a Mark Twain Nominee.  

We set up our "Take Home Folders" today in class.  This folder will contain the assignment book, homework to be completed, and goal sheets.  Starting Monday, these assignment books should be signed by a parent on a nightly basis in order to verify your child's reading minutes, check for any homework or upcoming tests, and view behavior.  Any homework sheets will be found in the pockets of the "Take Home Folder" as well, as this is the only folder that comes home every night.  For homework tonight, students are to bring back any forms that need to be signed and returned in the manila envelope.  Also, students should bring in magazines and/or pictures they are interested in to decorate our writer's notebooks on Monday.  Finally, I want to let you know that we eat lunch at 12:40, so it is recommended that students bring a healthy snack to school.   

                 Thank you for a nice and productive day, students!  I will see you tomorrow! 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Meet Your Classmates!

     Faith A.
Delaney B.
Stephen B.
Gabriel B.
Mallory B.
Joe C.
Calista C.
Julia C.
Claire D.
Adam D.
Brennan G.
Gabby H.
Simon K.
Nate L.
Emma M.
Zach S.
Alivia S.
Daniel T.
Nolen V.

   Thomas V.