Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our First Day of School!

What an awesome first day of fourth grade!  We had a ton of fun getting to know our classmates and building community.  First, we acted as journalists by interviewing our classmates.  After students interviewed a partner, they introduced him or her to the rest of the class!  

We also used teamwork as table groups to take on the "Marshmallow Challenge," our first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) activity!  Students could only use 20 pieces of spaghetti, 1 yard of tape, 1 yard of string, and a large marshmallow in constructing the tallest tower in 18 minutes.  Table 1 made the tallest tower at 54 cm!  All students did a fantastic job with this challenge!    

In the afternoon, we started our first read aloud, "Wonder!"  This is one of Mrs. Leighton's favorite books, and it's a Mark Twain Nominee.  

We set up our "Take Home Folders" today in class.  This folder will contain the assignment book, homework to be completed, and goal sheets.  Starting Monday, these assignment books should be signed by a parent on a nightly basis in order to verify your child's reading minutes, check for any homework or upcoming tests, and view behavior.  Any homework sheets will be found in the pockets of the "Take Home Folder" as well, as this is the only folder that comes home every night.  For homework tonight, students are to bring back any forms that need to be signed and returned in the manila envelope.  Also, students should bring in magazines and/or pictures they are interested in to decorate our writer's notebooks on Monday.  Finally, I want to let you know that we eat lunch at 12:40, so it is recommended that students bring a healthy snack to school.   

                 Thank you for a nice and productive day, students!  I will see you tomorrow! 

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