Sunday, November 16, 2014

Weekly Update


In writing this past week, we worked hard on putting our ideas together with the five-paragraph essay format.  We also worked hard on our introductions and conclusions, as well as adding transition words.  We are working on the final drafts of our personal essays this coming week.  Then, we will move on to writing our persuasive essays.  In Spelling, students will not get new word sorts until after Thanksgiving break.  

This past week in reading we continued with our historical fiction unit.  We used context clues to find information about the setting and time in history.  We then took it one step further by determining the tone and mood of the book.  We will continue this study this coming week.

In Chapter 5 this past week, we worked hard on two-digit by two-digit multiplication and word problems involving multiplication.  Students will be tested over Chapter 5 on Wednesday, 11/19.  They will receive the study guide on Monday.  Again, students should continue to study their multiplication facts at home.

Social Studies
We have finished Chapter 1 in social studies.  This week we will move on with Chapter 2.  In Chapter 2, we will learn about Missourians, primary and secondary sources, population maps, and arts, sports, and recreation in Missouri.  We will have a test after Chapter 2, and this test will cover both Chapters 1 and 2. 

Veteran's Day Assembly
A big Thank You to all veterans!  

Other Important Info.
This past week we got to see Dr. Parker accept our National Blue Ribbon award in Washington, D.C. via a live internet stream!  

Our Blue Ribbon theme starts on Monday!  See our schedule below!

Monday, November 17th:  We are FLYERS! 
Wear your green and gold to celebrate that we are high achieving Flyers!

Tuesday, November 18th:  We are CRAZY about Long School!
Wear crazy socks and crazy hair!

Wednesday, November 19th:  Show your BLUE Ribbon Pride!
Wear blue to celebrate our big award!

Thursday, November 20th:  Begin with the End in Mind!
Wear your best “Dress for Success” outfit to show how we are leaders in our school! 

Friday, November 21st:  We are a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School!
All students will be given a Blue Ribbon t-shirt today to wear!  

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