Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week we edited our class newsletter articles.  Our first issue is almost complete!  We also learned about important journalism topics to apply to our next newsletter issue.  We discussed the inverted triangle of journalism and the 5 W's and 1H of journalism.  Mr. Schoenekase even came in to act out a scene for the students to write a news story about.  Students did a great job in listing the important details first!  In Spelling, students will take their test this Thursday, April 2nd since there is no school on Friday. 

In reading, we worked on some spring testing review in reading groups and continued in book clubs.  Some groups have finished their first book club book!  On Monday, those groups will begin working on book trailers on iMovie!  I can't wait to share them with you! 

In Chapter 11, we have been learning about customary measurement.  We have reviewed length so far.  We started with measuring to the nearest inch, 1/2 in., and 1/4 in.  We also converted units of measurements, such as feet to inches.  This week we will get to capacity and weight! 

Social Studies
One of the ways we studied slavery and the Underground Railroad this past week was by playing a fun online game called, "Flight to Freedom."  In this game, the students become slaves who live on a plantation.  They have many chores to do and need to decide if they want to runaway to freedom.  The students love this game!  The link for the game is below- click on the game picture.  The Chapter 6 vocabulary quiz is this Thursday, April 2nd.  Remember that students can use Quizlet to study their words!  

Other Important Info.  
  • There is no school this Friday, April 3rd! 
  • Field trip permission slips went home on Tuesday.  On Monday, April 6th we will go to the Missouri History Museum to visit the Louisiana Purchase exhibit!  We already have our two parent chaperones, who have been notified by email.  Unfortunately, space is very limited and we will not be able to take any other parents.
  • Also, I had two parents show interest in Junior Achievement.  I will send out another email if another volunteer is needed.  Thank you!

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