Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekly Update

This past week in our writing unit we participated in debates!  Students came up with some pretty persuasive reasons and evidence for their assigned point of view.  Check out some of our debates below- and don't miss the captions that provide information on the winning opinion!  New spelling words won't be passed out until after Thanksgiving break.  The next Spelling Test will be Friday, December 11th.

Most students voted, "NO."
Most students voted, "Yes."

By ONE vote, "Yes" won the debate!
The majority voted, "NO."

In our reading unit, we are studying how nonfiction texts are organized.  We are studying texts that are structured by chronological order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem and solution.  This is helping us to better read and understand nonfiction text.  

This week we will start Chapter 6, "Divide by a One-Digit Number."  Again, it is important that your child knows their multiplication and division facts.  They should be practicing facts for fluency on a nightly basis.  
Social Studies
In Social Studies, we are currently studying timelines in Chapter 3.  We will continue with Chapters 3 ("The First People of Missouri") and 4 ("The Arrival of Europeans") before resuming in our science units.  

Other Important Info.  
  • This Wednesday, November 18th is an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.  
  • The contest is almost over!!  Don't forget to click here to vote for Long Elementary to get new playground equipment!   

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