Friday, March 18, 2016

Weekly Update

I can't wait to have the students' famous Missourian pages printed!  They worked so hard.  We will have our very own copy of the published book in our classroom library!  After spring break, we will move on to our literary essay unit.  Spelling will also resume after spring break.

We finished our class read aloud "Rump," so we will start our new read aloud after spring break.  Analyzing our main character Rump (or Rumpelstiltskin) will help us with our next reading and writing unit on literary essays and digging deeper into the text in book clubs.  As a reminder, book clubs meet every Wednesday and Friday.  

This week we converted units of weight and time. After spring break, we will continue in Chapter 11 by making line plots and solving measurement word problems.  Our Chapter 11 Test will be Friday, April 1st.  

Social Studies 
When we return from break, we will resume with our government chapter in Social Studies (Chapter 9).  

Other Important Info.
  • Spring Break is March 21st-25th! 
  • Spring conferences are optional. Invitations were sent last week to parents with whom I am requesting a spring conference.  If I had not requested a conference but you would like to meet, you may sign up via SignUpGenius using this link: SignUpGenius.  Spring conferences are held on Thursday, March 31st from 3:45-7:00 PM.
  • We have a half day on Friday, April 1st with dismissal at 11:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home.  No lunch will be served.  

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