Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Update

We finished our poetry anthologies!  We even had some time to make poems using a website called Storybird.  Check out some of the neat poems below.  Next, we will work on our Fourth Grade Memory Books!  


In Math, we are currently reviewing big topics such as long division and multiplication, rounding, and algebra.  We will continue to review this last week!  

This past week we participated in a fun lab!  We calculated the speed at which we can chew bubble gum.  Check out the fun we had below.  The Forces and Motion Test is this Monday, May 23rd.  It is our last test of the year!

Junior Achievement
Wednesday marked our last day of Junior Achievement.  We finished our lessons with a business fortune teller and a game where we had to trade resources with other groups/"countries."  In trading resources, we were able to build a (paper) computer.  Thank you very much for teaching us these past few weeks, Mrs. Akins!  

Daniel Boone Field Trip 
We had a great time visiting the Daniel Boone home on Thursday!  Students visited a carpenter, saw a one room school house, made candles, and toured Daniel Boone's home in Independence.  A big shout out to Mr. Fleming and Mrs. Mueller for their help on the trip!  Thank you!!  And a special thank you to our student photographer for the trip, Sarah!  You got some awesome action shots.  

Field Day  
We had a blast during the Field Day activities on Friday!  Thank you to all parents who volunteered to make this day great! 

Other Important Info.
  • Our Ice Cream Party reward for good behavior is this Tuesday (5/24) afternoon.  Ice cream will be provided, and the students are in charge of bringing fun toppings!  Please note our class allergies, as these will not be allowed in the classroom: Organic dairy, the nut family, peaches, avocado, pork, and strawberries. 
  • Students have been taking their belongings home little by little.  They get to keep their consumable Math and Science textbooks and they have taken those home.  These can be used for review and to practice throughout the summer months.  We will continue to clean our classroom and desks this week.  Students will not need their backpacks on Friday.  If you find any classroom or library books and/or resources at home, please bring those in to return to school. 
  • The last Weekly Update of the school year will be this coming weekend! 
  • The last day of school is this Friday, 5/27.  It is a half day with dismissal at 11:50.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week we finished our poetry unit by writing a free verse poem.  We are currently publishing our poems for our anthologies.  Next, we will have time to free write and work on our Fourth Grade Memory books.  

We are now finished with the chapters in our math textbook!  Congratulations, students!  We will review fourth grade topics until the end of the year. 

We resumed with our Forces and Motion unit in Science with studying relative motion as well as pushes and pulls.  We will continue this week in using the formula for speed.  The Forces and Motion Test is set for next Monday, May 23rd.  

Ice Cream Truck and Bubble Bus Fun! 
We celebrated our hard work on the MAP Test with a sweet treat on Friday!  Check out the fun we had below.

Junior Achievement
This past week in our Junior Achievement lesson we got to play a game called "Hot Dog Stand."  We kept track of money that we spent and money that we made with our business throughout the game.  Then we did the math to figure our profit or loss.  It was a lot of fun!  We have two more lessons with Mrs. Akins! 

Other Important Info.
  • Our field trip to the Daniel Boone Home is this Thursday, May 19th!  Please turn in the field trip permission slip and money if you have not already done so.  Also, remember to bring a sack lunch and to dress for the weather! 
  • Field Day is this Friday, May 20th!  Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for a fun day! 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekly Update

We continued reading and writing in our poetry unit this past week!  We wrote a couplet, cinquain, limerick, haiku and concrete poem.  Students did a great job in creating these poems to match their theme!  This week we are writing a free verse poem and are publishing our poems for our anthologies.  We are working hard to add figurative language such as onomatopoeias, similes and personification into our poetry.   The final Spelling Test will be this Thursday, May 12th since there is no school on Friday, May 13th.  

Students have received the Chapter 14 study guide.  We are reviewing these geometry terms this week.  The (last Math) test on Chapter 14 is this Thursday, May 12th.   

We resumed today with our Forces and Motion unit in Science.  There are many fun labs in this unit that we will start this week!   

Junior Achievement 
Last week we began Junior Achievement lessons with Mrs. Akins!  We are learning all about business and entrepreneurship.  Small groups were assigned a region in the U.S. and created a business dependent on the resources available!   Mrs. Akins will be teaching us three more times this month. 

Literacy Festival 
We enjoyed the school-wide Literacy Festival last Friday!  We got to hear from a professional author and illustrator as well as read in the courtyard and even take a book home!  How fun!    

Other Important Info.
  • Please turn in the field trip permission slip and money to the Daniel Boone Home if you have not already.  Thank you if you have already done this!
  • Also, a big THANK YOU for all of the cards and gifts for Teacher's Appreciation Week!  You all are so sweet.  
  • There is no school this Friday, May 13th.