Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week we finished our poetry unit by writing a free verse poem.  We are currently publishing our poems for our anthologies.  Next, we will have time to free write and work on our Fourth Grade Memory books.  

We are now finished with the chapters in our math textbook!  Congratulations, students!  We will review fourth grade topics until the end of the year. 

We resumed with our Forces and Motion unit in Science with studying relative motion as well as pushes and pulls.  We will continue this week in using the formula for speed.  The Forces and Motion Test is set for next Monday, May 23rd.  

Ice Cream Truck and Bubble Bus Fun! 
We celebrated our hard work on the MAP Test with a sweet treat on Friday!  Check out the fun we had below.

Junior Achievement
This past week in our Junior Achievement lesson we got to play a game called "Hot Dog Stand."  We kept track of money that we spent and money that we made with our business throughout the game.  Then we did the math to figure our profit or loss.  It was a lot of fun!  We have two more lessons with Mrs. Akins! 

Other Important Info.
  • Our field trip to the Daniel Boone Home is this Thursday, May 19th!  Please turn in the field trip permission slip and money if you have not already done so.  Also, remember to bring a sack lunch and to dress for the weather! 
  • Field Day is this Friday, May 20th!  Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for a fun day! 

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