Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Weekly Update

Last Friday we celebrated our persuasive essays!  In groups, we shared our essays and our group members would hold up a green candy cane if they agreed with the argument/thesis or a red candy cane if they did not.  Students had a lot of fun with it!  Right now we are in the middle of our journalism unit.  We have read many different articles and have discussed how to summarize a news story with the "5 W's" and "1 H."   We also talked about the inverted triangle of journalism.  As a reminder, students won't have another spelling test until January because of the class spelling bees this Friday and next Monday (see details below in "Other Important Info.") . 

Writing celebration 

Summarizing news articles

Using the inverted triangle
We have finished our text structures/natural disasters project.  See the next blog post for pictures of the magazines!  After break, we will start historical fiction book clubs!  

So far in Chapter 7 we have extended numeric and nonnumeric patterns, described patterns in a sequence, and worked with patterns in word problems.  We will finish the week with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division patterns with in/out tables and order of operations.  There is no Chapter 7 test.  After break, we will start fractions in Chapter 8!

In our rocks unit, we have read about topics such as the different types of rocks, the rock cycle, and weathering and erosion.  The Chapter 5 Rocks Test is this Friday.  It is an open book/note test.  Extra credit and practice activities are available through the online textbook, and they are due next Tuesday. 

Other Important Info. 
  • The class spelling bees will take place this Friday, December 16th and Monday, December 19th.   The winner from each bee will represent our class in the school bee on January 20th.  
  • The Winter Party is Tuesday, December 20th from 2-3pm. 
  • Winter Break starts Wednesday, 12/21, and school resumes Wednesday, January 4th.
  • All tests and essays should be signed and returned.  

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