Sunday, May 21, 2017

Weekly Update

Important Info.  
  • Tomorrow is the rescheduled Field Day.  Wear something blue if you can.  If your child chose a sack lunch, it will be ready for them.  Otherwise, they should pack their own sack lunch.  
  • The Talent Show for 3rd-5th graders is Tuesday afternoon in the gym.  
  • This Friday, 5/26, is the end of 4th Quarter and the last day of school!  It is a half day!  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home. 
  • Cardinal's game night is May 31st. 

Students are publishing their poetry anthologies.  On their theme, they have written 4 poems and have collected 3 poems.  They are turning out great!   If students did not yet take the last Spelling test, they will take it on Tuesday 5/23.

In Reading we are continuing in Matilda!  

We are reviewing all big topics learned this year.  

Social Studies 
Our government mobiles look great!  

Bonne Terre Mines Field Trip 
Take a look at some of the neat things we saw on our field trip!  A big THANK YOU to all parent volunteers! 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Weekly Update

Important Info.  
  • This past week we got to break into our MAP effort box!  So far, we had a "gum day!"  Wednesday is our "Tech. Break" day, so students can bring in their technology!  
  • Students enjoyed the Bubble Bus and Ice Cream Truck on Thursday!  Take a look at the fun we had! 

  • Tomorrow (May 15th) is our field trip to the lead mines in Bonne Terre, Missouri! Everyone needs to make sure that they arrive to school on time, pack a sack lunch, and bring a jacket.  I can't wait for our trip!
  • The 4th grade all-district Strings rehearsal is now scheduled from 9:15-11:00am this Thursday, 5/18 in the district auditorium. 
  • Field Day is this Friday, May 19th.  We still need parent volunteers!  Please use this link to sign upSignUpGenius
  • Long's Grant's Farm Night is this Friday, May 19th. Our Cardinal's game night is May 31st!  

We started our poetry unit last week by learning all about the different types of poetry and the figurative language found in poems!  Students also chose their poetry anthology theme, such as friendship, family, teamwork, nature, etc.   Our last Spelling test of the year is Thursday, May 18th!

In Reading we continue to meet in reading groups.  We also started our last read aloud, Matilda!  

We are now reviewing all big topics learned this year.  This includes long multiplication and division, fractions, solving multi-step word problems, geometry, etc. 

Students had a blast with our Hot Wheels distance labs last week!  The open-book/note Forces and Motion Test is this Tuesday, 5/16.  After this unit, we will begin our last unit, a Government mini-unit.  

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Weekly Update

Important Info.  
  • We are done with MAP Testing, as we decided to combine two sessions last Tuesday!  That means students get to figure out what is in the MAP effort box!
  • To also celebrate students' efforts on MAP testing, this Thursday, 5/11, the Bubble Bus and Ice Cream Truck are coming to Long!  Students need to bring $1 for ice cream!  
  • There is No School this Friday, May 12th! 
  • On Monday, May 15th, we will head to the lead mines in Bonne Terre, Missouri for our final field trip!  Please make sure to turn in permission clips and money.  
  • The 4th grade all-district Strings rehearsal is now scheduled from 9:15-11:00am on Thursday, 5/18 in the district auditorium. 
  • Field Day is Friday, May 19th.  This year we will have the parents lead the students from station to station and the teachers will be running the stations.  We still need parent volunteers.  There will be 3 time slots to choose from: morning (8:30am-12pm), afternoon (12:30-3pm), or all day (8:30am-3pm).  Please use this link to sign upSignUpGenius
  • Long's Grant's Farm Night is Friday, May 19th. Our Cardinal's game night is May 31st!  

We start our poetry unit this week!  We will learn all about different types of poetry and we'll review figurative language!   Our last Spelling test of the year is Thursday, May 18th!

In Reading we continue to meet in book clubs and reading groups.  We also continue to close read texts, looking for theme, author's craft, mood, vocabulary, figurative language, character traits, and more.  

We are now reviewing all big topics learned this year.  This includes long multiplication and division, fractions, solving multi-step word problems, geometry, etc. 

Science/Social Studies 
The Forces and Motion Test will be next Tuesday, 5/16.  After this unit, we will begin our last unit, a Government mini-unit.