Sunday, May 21, 2017

Weekly Update

Important Info.  
  • Tomorrow is the rescheduled Field Day.  Wear something blue if you can.  If your child chose a sack lunch, it will be ready for them.  Otherwise, they should pack their own sack lunch.  
  • The Talent Show for 3rd-5th graders is Tuesday afternoon in the gym.  
  • This Friday, 5/26, is the end of 4th Quarter and the last day of school!  It is a half day!  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home. 
  • Cardinal's game night is May 31st. 

Students are publishing their poetry anthologies.  On their theme, they have written 4 poems and have collected 3 poems.  They are turning out great!   If students did not yet take the last Spelling test, they will take it on Tuesday 5/23.

In Reading we are continuing in Matilda!  

We are reviewing all big topics learned this year.  

Social Studies 
Our government mobiles look great!  

Bonne Terre Mines Field Trip 
Take a look at some of the neat things we saw on our field trip!  A big THANK YOU to all parent volunteers! 

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