Sunday, September 24, 2017

Weekly Update

Students are making great progress with their realistic fiction stories!  Remember, your child can bring their device to school (laptops and iPads are best) to make sure they have access to a computer during writing time.
Engaged in a punctuating dialogue practice activity 

This week, we will finish "The Tiger Rising."  I am so impressed with how well students are developing big ideas about the text.  Our next read aloud will be "Wonder!"  I know students will love reading and studying this book as well.  It's one of my favorite books! 

This past week we started Chapter 3 with multiplication and division fact families.  We also learned a strategy for division- repeated subtraction.  This week we will resume with multiplication properties and division rules, as well as study factors and multiples.  Again, it is important that students continue to study multiplication (or division) facts at home so they are quicker and more accurate with their computation.   

The Chapter 4 vocabulary quiz is tomorrow. We have started our study of ecosystems and students are currently working on a biome project.  They are working on it during class, and it is due this Friday, 9/29.  The Chapter 4 Test over ecosystems is set for next Wednesday, 10/4.  At home, students can earn extra credit and practice science concepts by completing activities on our online book!  Click on the science textbook below.  After logging in, hover over the "To Do" tab on the right-hand side of the page.  Click on that button, and the activities will pop up.  Hit "I'm done" when finished to get the extra credit!    

Other Important Info.
  • Fourth grade students will be headed to Babler State Park on October 11th for Missouri Heritage Days. Please make sure all permission slips and money is turned in as soon as possible.  Our class can take 2 more parent chaperones on this field trip. 
  • Picture Day is this Wednesday, 9/27!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weekly Update

This week students continued to add descriptive details to their writing.  We also focused on writing dialogue, making sure it was correctly punctuated.  Also within editing, we learned when to create new paragraphs.  We will continue to study dialogue and paragraphing this week.  Students are making good progress with their stories!  

This week we are going to focus on using the story arc and characters to develop significant ideas about the book, as well as find meaning in repeated details.  We are a little over halfway through with "The Tiger Rising," and students are loving it!

On Monday we will review Chapter 2, and students will bring home their study guides.  The Chapter 2 Test is this Tuesday, 9/19.   It is important that students continue to study multiplication facts at home. 

Here we are playing a favorite multiplication game in class!

Social Studies/Science
Below are some of the students' US region/states suitcases!  They will get their graded rubrics and suitcases to take home tomorrow.  They did an awesome job presenting their suitcases last week!  This week we will look more into ecosystems and food chains in science.  The vocabulary quiz will be next Monday, September 25th.  

This week we will discuss the website Quizlet as a means of studying vocabulary words.  Everyone uses the same class account:

Username:  Long-Leighton
Password:  leighton

(The username and password are case sensitive!)

Other Important Info.

  • There is no school this Friday, September 22nd
  • Students received a permission slip for our first field trip last week!  Fourth grade students will be headed to Babler State Park on October 11th for Missouri Heritage Days, where we will find out more about the pioneer days. 
  • Mid-quarter Reports will go out this week to parents of students with a C or below in any subject. However, please note that we have just started our first science unit, writing grades will not be posted until students finish their first writing assignment (realistic fiction narratives), and reading grades will not be posted until the end of the quarter as they reflect students' current reading levels.   

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Weekly Update

This week students worked on adding details to their writing!  We also focused on writing captivating leads!  In doing this, we looked at many different mentor texts.  This week we will work more with adding details while we draft, while also looking at grammar- specifically within dialogue.   

This past week we continued to study the characters in "The Tiger Rising," noticing their patterns and how that affects the story.  We also continued to discuss the story scenes and retell the story by synthesizing.  This means that we used backstory and character traits to help us in summarizing what we read.  We will work on these big ideas this week as well. 

In Chapter 2, we have worked with addition and subtraction rules and patterns as well as estimating sums and differences. This week we will continue with a review of regrouping and subtracting across zeros.  The Chapter 2 Test is set for Tuesday, 9/12.  Students took home the Chapter 2 "Math At Home" family letter on Tuesday.

Social Studies/Science
Students are presenting their US Regions project tomorrow!  That is when I will be capturing all of their hard work and can post the final products on the next Weekly Update!  Because we switch with social studies and science instruction, we will start our first science unit on Ecosystems after social studies presentations this week.
Other Important Info.
  • This Wednesday, September 13th is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.
  • Scholastic book orders were sent home this week!  Click here if you would like to order online!  (Our class code is L8V73.)  You may also return the paper order form with a check made out to "Scholastic Book Clubs."  Orders are due Tuesday, September 12th.  
  • As a reminder, all notes and graded work going home can be found in the very front pocket of your child's accordion file.  This is also where the assignment book is kept. 
  • Chapter 1 Tests went home last week, and all tests need to be signed and returned.  Tests will be marked with a "parent signature" stamp.  
  • Current grades can be viewed using SIS.  Grades are updated weekly.  

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Scholastic Book Orders!

On Tuesday, students received the first Scholastic book order!  Click here if you would like to order online!  (Our class code is L8V73.)  You may also return the paper order form with a check made out to "Scholastic Book Clubs."  Orders are due Tuesday, September 12th.  
Happy Reading!  

Monday, September 4, 2017

Weekly Update

We worked hard this past week in writing!  We created believable characters for our writing unit.  This means that we thought about our characters' external and internal characteristics, including positive and negative character traits to balance our characters.  We also met our first writing partners of the year and started our story plots to brainstorm our five realistic fiction story scenes! 

This past week we took a closer look at the characters in our read aloud, "The Tiger Rising."  Students also did a great job visualizing the story scenes, which is a great strategy to help with reading intensely and understanding the story!  We will continue to focus on characters and retelling certain chapters this week. 

We have finished Chapter 1 and will start Chapter 2 tomorrow!  Chapter 2 is a review of addition and subtraction.  We will start with addition and subtraction rules and patterns as well as estimating.  Students will take home the Chapter 2 "Math At Home" family letter and vocabulary flashcards tomorrow.   It is also important that they practice their multiplication facts at home!  

Social Studies
This past week we chose a region to study further with a partner!  Students are currently decorating a "suitcase" (manila folder) to represent the climate, resources and vegetation, landforms, attractions, and symbols of their state!  I can't wait to share the final products!   

Other Important Info.

  • As a reminder, all notes and graded work going home can be found in the very front pocket of your child's accordion file.  This is also where the assignment book is kept. 
  • Graded math tests will be coming home this week, and all tests need to be signed and returned.  Tests will be marked with a "parent signature" stamp.  
  • Current grades can be viewed using SIS.  Grades are updated weekly.