Monday, September 4, 2017

Weekly Update

We worked hard this past week in writing!  We created believable characters for our writing unit.  This means that we thought about our characters' external and internal characteristics, including positive and negative character traits to balance our characters.  We also met our first writing partners of the year and started our story plots to brainstorm our five realistic fiction story scenes! 

This past week we took a closer look at the characters in our read aloud, "The Tiger Rising."  Students also did a great job visualizing the story scenes, which is a great strategy to help with reading intensely and understanding the story!  We will continue to focus on characters and retelling certain chapters this week. 

We have finished Chapter 1 and will start Chapter 2 tomorrow!  Chapter 2 is a review of addition and subtraction.  We will start with addition and subtraction rules and patterns as well as estimating.  Students will take home the Chapter 2 "Math At Home" family letter and vocabulary flashcards tomorrow.   It is also important that they practice their multiplication facts at home!  

Social Studies
This past week we chose a region to study further with a partner!  Students are currently decorating a "suitcase" (manila folder) to represent the climate, resources and vegetation, landforms, attractions, and symbols of their state!  I can't wait to share the final products!   

Other Important Info.

  • As a reminder, all notes and graded work going home can be found in the very front pocket of your child's accordion file.  This is also where the assignment book is kept. 
  • Graded math tests will be coming home this week, and all tests need to be signed and returned.  Tests will be marked with a "parent signature" stamp.  
  • Current grades can be viewed using SIS.  Grades are updated weekly.  

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