Sunday, November 12, 2017

Weekly Update

We are participating in a US post card exchange and we got our first postcard- from Massachusetts!  We took a short break from essay writing to write postcards to different states.  Students had a lot of fun brainstorming ideas to tell a little bit about our state/city, school, and fourth grade!  

In reading groups, we continue to study text features and the structure of nonfiction texts.  It is important that your child read at home every night to further grow and develop their reading skills.  

The Chapter 5 Test over 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication is this Wednesday, 11/15. Chapter 6 begins long division.  Again, with these long, multistep problems, it is important that students know their facts!  

This past week in science, we focused on the different types of rocks and the rock cycle.  Students have vocabulary cards, and the vocabulary test is Wednesday, 11/15.   They can also log onto Quizlet and Pearson for extra practice!  

Other Important Info.
  • A big THANK YOU to all of our veterans!  We appreciate you! 
  • Make sure "Wonder" field trip permission slips are turned in!  This will be a fun trip!

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