Sunday, December 17, 2017

Weekly Update


We are celebrating our persuasive essays this Monday, 12/18!

In reading we are continuing in our information unit.  As we read "I Survived the Revolutionary War," we are taking notes on the facts, dates, and important words in this book.  It will help us with our writing unit in January. Students are doing great with this and are learning a lot about the war! 

We are currently working on patterns in Chapter 7.  We have written equations for number patterns and have completed in and out tables.  We have started to solve equations using the order of operations, PEMDAS.  We will also review PEMDAS this week.  We will not have a Chapter 7 test or another math test before break.

Social Studies 
Students are presenting their explorers presentations!  They are turning out great!  Here are some of their awesome slides! 

Other Important Info. 
  • Our second and last class spelling bee is this Monday, December 18th.   The winner from each bee will represent our class in the school bee on January 19th.  
  • The Fourth Grade Team has planned some special events the week of winter break! On Monday, 12/18, we will have Winter Spirit Day!  Students can feel free to wear "ugly" sweaters, holiday hats or headbands, etc.  On Polar Express Tuesday, students will enjoy a holiday movie in the afternoon!  The Winter Party is Wednesday, December 20th from 2-3pm. 
  • Winter Break starts Thursday, 12/21, and school resumes Thursday, January 4th. 

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