Sunday, May 20, 2018

Weekly Update

Important Info.  
    • Monday, May 21st is Long's Talent Show from 9-11am. 
    • The last day of school is this WEDNESDAY with dismissal at 11:40.  Report cards will be emailed home the week after school is out.  Students do NOT need a backpack the last day of school, as everything will go home by Tuesday.
    • Students have taken home both math textbooks at this point.  These can be GREAT resources during those long, summer months.  In addition, ALEKS will also be available for spiral math review! 

    Students have finished their poetry anthologies!  Make sure to log on to your child's GoogleDrive to see their anthology!   This week we are working on Fourth Grade Memory Books!  We will also finish our second read aloud, King of the Bench:No Fear (We finished A Wrinkle in Time last week!).  Take a look at some of our field trip and field day snapshots below!

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