Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weekly Update

We have taken the test on long division.  Overall, the tests were very good!   Way to go, students!  It is still important that students know their multiplication and division facts.  Next week we will be moving on to geometry!  Geometry will give students a nice break from the computation involved in long multiplication and division. 

Students are at least halfway through their first book club book!  As a reminder, we meet on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Students should read the assigned pages and complete their book club role sheet before meeting in group.  They do receive a grade for this assignment each Wednesday and Friday, and they are allowed to complete their assignment during reading time in class.

In writing, we have been working hard on Chapters 1 and 2 of our informational books.  Some students have even finished their rough drafts and have been assigned a partner to help them revise their drafts.  Keep up the good work, students!  In Spelling, students received their new word sorts.  They will have their test next Friday.  

We are having a great time in Science!  Last week we focused on static electricity, and this week we began our study of current electricity.  We have a lot of fun experiments ahead with current electricity.  This week we learned how current electricity works.  Check out the students' minibooks below!  Also, students can click here or go to to log on to the online science website to complete activities and earn extra credit!

This week we also enjoyed our classmates' PRISM projects!  Students did such a great job on them, and I can't wait to see them again on PRISM night next Thursday, February 20th!  

This week in library, the students learned more about Black History Month!  It was fun to learn about the many famous African Americans who have made a difference! 

Important Info.
Friday Homework this week is the Standardized Math Test Prep. Chapters 1-11.  Next Thursday the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due!   Also, don't forget that there is no school on Monday for Presidents' Day!  Tuesday will be a "C" day, so we will have P.E. 

Parents, please don't forget to sign and return tests, quizzes, and writing papers so that I am sure you are aware of your child's progress.  Stamps indicate a test, quiz, or paper that needs to be signed and returned.  Thank you!

We got to view the book fair on Friday.  The book fair runs next week!  


And a big thank you to Mrs. Swenson and all of the parents who volunteered their time and sent in items for our Valentine's Day Party!  Check out the fun that the kids had below!

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