Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Science Test- Rocks

As a reminder, the Chapter 5 Science Test on rocks is tomorrow.    Students have many different resources to use to study!  Students have their flashcards for vocabulary, the study guide, their graded rock cycle plate, and their graded Soil Scroll Script.  Some students also took home the science textbook and can use the extra practice pages to study (pages 250-251).  Furthermore, students can earn extra credit by completing the online activities!  There are 14 different activities, and students earn .5 point for each completed activity.  Visit or click here to log in.  Follow this format: students' usernames are 22FirstnameLastname and their passwords are PASSWORD#.  (The number is either a 1, 2, or 3.)  Both the usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.  See below for pictures of many of the study resources available.  

Science textbook, pages 250-251
Study guide (front and back)

Rock cycle plate

Soil scroll script

Friday, December 13, 2013

Weekly Update

We took the Unit 3 Test on Wednesday, and we have been moving along in Chapter 10.  Students are using their basic facts knowledge to help them in solving 1-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems!  They are doing great!  We also reviewed rounding and graphs this week!  

Alex is working on the graphing activity.  What is the mystery picture?

Lola's finished product!
In reading groups, we are working towards finishing our rocks books.  Our webs are full of information about rocks, minerals, and mining!   

Right now in our essays, we are editing and publishing.  This week we especially addressed run-on sentences.  We fixed them with commas and conjunction words, or we broke the run-on sentence into smaller sentences.  These essays are really looking great!  Today we took our spelling tests.  Next week, we will have the classroom spelling bee. 

This week in Science, we got to investigate a rock to determine if it was an igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rock!  We looked at the color, luster, texture, shape, and many other characteristics of the rock.  Some were flat, some were smooth, some had crystals, some were light-weight, some had layers, some were flaky, and some were very shiny.  We even got to test the streak of our rock and others using a streak plate!  Also this week, we talked about weathering, erosion, and the three different layers of soil.  Students took home a soil scroll project.  It is due on Tuesday of next week, 12/17.  Most students only have to color and add the plants and animals to their scroll.  Our Chapter 5 Rocks Test is Thursday, 12/19.  Don't forget- students can earn extra credit from completing the online rock activities!  Click on our textbook below to be directed to the online resources, or go to

Raph investigating his rock
Can you see the streak that Katherine's rock left?
We found that Graphite is used in pencils!  
Gianna and Miles are studying their rocks
Alex and Spencer are investigating other types of rocks
Ava found a fossil of a worm in one sedimentary rock!  
John is working hard on his soil scroll!

Macey is halfway through with her scroll

Important Info.
In Tuesday's Flyer Folder, students brought home the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Log.  Stapled to the front of the reading log is a parent information letter.  In class we discussed that students can not count their homework reading minutes towards the program.  These minutes have to be additional minutes that are not related to a homework assignment.  The reading logs are due February 20th.  Students who participate will earn a free Six Flags ticket!  Students took home a reading Friday Homework passage this week titled, "Christmas in Hawaii."  Boys' letters and Friday Homework will be due next week on Thursday the 19th instead of Friday the 20th.  On Friday the 20th, we will have our Winter Party.  It will start at 2:00.  Also, as a reminder, students will participate in our classroom spelling bee next week.  They have their word list and the Great American Spell Check newspaper to help them study this weekend.

Finally, below are some pictures of our buddy activity this week!  We reviewed Habit 3, Put first things first.  After watching a really neat video that explains this habit, we got to act as teachers for our first grade buddies.  We prompted them to come up with different ways that they can put first things first.  For example: "I will feed my cat.  Then, I will play with my friends."  Below the pictures is the video we watched.  It's a great video if you would like to check it out!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Unit 3 Math Test and other Math Details

Our Unit 3 Math Test over Chapters 8 and 9 is this Wednesday, 12/11.  The students were given the study guide today.  As always, the first page lists all of the topics on the test.  It is very important that students know their multiplication and division facts and continue to study them.  The second two pages include example problems.  You will notice that at the bottom of the front page of the study guide, there are extra study pages that students can work on out of the textbook.  For this unit, students can complete at least two of the sets of review pages listed for extra credit.  They only need to do the odd problems.  They can earn half of the extra credit points by completing one of the three sets of review pages (odd problems).  The extra credit is due on test day.  Tomorrow will be a work day in class for students to work on the study guide, extra credit pages, and the math Friday Homework.  (I am giving them the option to work on Friday Homework in class since they weren't able to receive the Friday Homework last Friday to work on over the weekend.)  

Friday, December 6, 2013

Weekly Update

We have reviewed factors and multiples this week.  We have also begun Chapter 9, focusing on using multiplication and division with algebra, writing expressions, solving expressions using our PEMDAS trick, and solving word problems.  Students will receive the Unit 3 study guide on Monday.  The Unit 3 Test will be Wednesday, 12/11 (our early release day).  Unit 3 covers chapters 8 and 9 in our textbook.  

Dorothy and Gianna (the week of Thanksgiving) using their fun factors and multiples cootie catchers!  
Spencer practicing his factors and multiples on the computer 
Dorothy using dice and the order of operations to solve expressions

We have started reading nonfiction books about rocks in reading groups to compliment our science unit.  We are making webs to note our findings about rocks and minerals as we read!  

We have finished revising our rough drafts of our personal essays!  After we picked our essay topic, we started fine tuning our drafts.  A big emphasis this week was to make sure that we used certain words and phrases in the body of our essay, in our counterargument, and in the beginning and end of our essay (see the charts below).  These essays are very impressive!  Next week we will edit our essays.  In Spelling, students have resumed with their blue, green, or yellow word sort.  Their spelling test will be Friday, December 13th.    

Katherine highlighting all the great essay words/phrases in her writing and adding other details

Students are loving our rocks unit!  We have learned about classifying minerals (which make up all rocks), the three different types of rocks, and the rock cycle.  Students should be studying their vocabulary words.  They have a quiz on these words next Thursday, 12/12.  Students can also study rocks at home by logging on to our science textbook and completing the assigned activities.  Like our ecosystems unit, students earn extra credit from completing these activities!  Click on our textbook below to be directed to the online resources.

Alex and Eric working on their rock cycles
Hannah is doing a great job on her rock cycle!
Our finished products

Important Info.
In Tuesday's Flyer Folder, students brought home many notes!  It is important to sift through these for important information.  Students took home a PRISM entry form.  PRISM is a noncompetitive science celebration in which students are encouraged to investigate a scientific topic.  They will display the results of their study at a school-wide celebration on February 20th.  Fourth grade does not require students to participate.  However, all fifth graders are required to participate, so it is recommended that fourth graders participate in PRISM as well.  PRISM projects are completed at home, and entry forms are due January 10th.  Click here for more information.  

This week, students were given the fourth grade spelling word list for our classroom spelling bee.  Students have a yellow sheet with the fourth grade words, as well as the Great American Spell Check newspaper with extra activities to help them practice these words.  We will hold the classroom spelling bee the week of December 16th.  The two classroom finalists will represent our class in the school-wide spelling bee.  Good luck!  

Any time there is a snow day, assignments will be due the next school day.  For example, boys' letters will now be due on Monday.  Also, students will receive this week's Friday Homework (Math Standardized Test Prep Chs. 1-8) on Monday.  Any other notes to go home will be sent in Tuesday's Flyer Folder.  

Finally, we have an early release day next Wednesday, 12/11.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home. 

Enjoy the snow day!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekly Update

We have started Chapter 8 with reviewing multiplication and division facts.  Check out our Multiplication Club below.  We sign our names to the facts that we pass!  Students should continue to practice their multiplication (and division) facts at home, working on accuracy and speed!  We also discussed the four multiplication properties this week- the Identity, Zero, Commutative, and Associative Properties!  We will continue this unit in Chapter 9, mixing multiplication and division with algebra! 

"The Multiplication Club"
Spencer working on his times table packet in the Activity rotation
Ava and Gianna playing multiplication and division turkey games in the Games rotation

We continued summarizing with our read aloud, Missing on Superstition Mountain.  We are really enjoying this book, as it is becoming very suspenseful!  We also had a lesson in the library on book reviews, where we learned what to include in a good book review.  Finally, we made synonym turkeys to review synonyms!  

We have made so much progress with our essay unit in just one week!  We discussed that essays are a more grown up genre of writing that the students will use throughout their lives for many different reasons. Students now understand what an essay is, are working on the organization (using the word "thesis"), and are gathering ideas for their essay.  They are doing great!  

Social Studies
We finished up Chapter 3 with a study of other Native American tribes, such as the Missouri, the Iowa, the Osage, and the Sac and Fox.  We also completed our timeline of Missouri (see the final product below).  Students have completed the Chapter 3 study guide, and their Chapter 3 Test is Monday.  Again, vocabulary plays a big role on the test.  Additionally, if students use the study guide and memorize what one thing each Native American tribe was most well-known for, they will do great!  As always, the Moodle has great resources to aid in studying, and Quizlet is available for vocabulary study.  Many students took home their books to use the extra review pages as well.  After break, we will be starting our next science unit on rocks and minerals!

Important Info.
There is no Friday Homework this week.  (There will also be no Weekly Update this coming Tuesday.)  We have a very short week coming up, with no school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday!  Have a great 5-day weekend, and a Happy Thanksgiving!  I will see you at the music program later today!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Weekly Update

We finished The Great Graphing Project this week, and ended Unit 2 with our test on Thursday.  See some of our finished graphing projects below!  Unit 3 involves multiplication and division.  We will begin Unit 3 with timed multiplication quizzes, starting with our 2's facts on Monday.  Students will graduate through their facts in sequential order: 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, etc. to the 12's.  There are many resources on the Moodle to help students in practicing these facts.  One of the best math resources is IXL.



This week we practiced retelling and making good summaries with our read aloud.  We made sure that we knew the difference between the two.  We also went to the library on Thursday for a lesson called, "Celebrating Native American Culture."  We read examples of Native American folklore, which fit in perfectly with the Storyworks play we read and the study of Native Americans in Social Studies!

We have completed our realistic fiction unit and will celebrate when all students have finished typing/publishing.  We will start our persuasive essay unit on Monday!  In Spelling, we are finished with our second homophones set.  I will be holding students accountable for spelling these words correctly in writing.  After Thanksgiving break, we will resume with the yellow, green, and blue group spelling words. 

Science/Social Studies
In Chapter 3, we are currently learning about Missouri's first people.  We discussed prehistory and the Ice Age.  We learned about different Native American tribes such as the Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippians.  On Friday, we reviewed timelines.  We are making a class timeline on the history of Missouri!  

Ava's t-chart to compare two Native American tribes

Elayna working on her section of the timeline

Other Important Info.
Don't forget that Academic All-Stars is Monday night at 6pm!   Group Picture Day is Friday.  Also, November Scholastic Book Orders were sent home today!  They are due next Friday, 11/22.  Orders will come in by Christmas, and this is the last book order that will be sent home until January.  You can order online by clicking on the link below. 

Finally, it was another busy week!  Pictures of Veteran's Day were posted Monday.  Below are pictures of our day with first grade buddies on Wednesday.  We reviewed Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind.  And Mrs. Maddock came in this week for a great lesson on bullying.  Students were to reflect on this lesson in their reflection journals.  We discussed great strategies to use in preventing bullying.  Below is a picture of the different strategies in which we were in the process of ordering from easiest to hardest strategies for us to use.