Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Science Test- Rocks

As a reminder, the Chapter 5 Science Test on rocks is tomorrow.    Students have many different resources to use to study!  Students have their flashcards for vocabulary, the study guide, their graded rock cycle plate, and their graded Soil Scroll Script.  Some students also took home the science textbook and can use the extra practice pages to study (pages 250-251).  Furthermore, students can earn extra credit by completing the online activities!  There are 14 different activities, and students earn .5 point for each completed activity.  Visit or click here to log in.  Follow this format: students' usernames are 22FirstnameLastname and their passwords are PASSWORD#.  (The number is either a 1, 2, or 3.)  Both the usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.  See below for pictures of many of the study resources available.  

Science textbook, pages 250-251
Study guide (front and back)

Rock cycle plate

Soil scroll script

1 comment:

  1. what resource did you get the soil scroll script from? I would like to do this with my grade 3's for our soil unit.
    Ms Fun
