Friday, December 6, 2013

Weekly Update

We have reviewed factors and multiples this week.  We have also begun Chapter 9, focusing on using multiplication and division with algebra, writing expressions, solving expressions using our PEMDAS trick, and solving word problems.  Students will receive the Unit 3 study guide on Monday.  The Unit 3 Test will be Wednesday, 12/11 (our early release day).  Unit 3 covers chapters 8 and 9 in our textbook.  

Dorothy and Gianna (the week of Thanksgiving) using their fun factors and multiples cootie catchers!  
Spencer practicing his factors and multiples on the computer 
Dorothy using dice and the order of operations to solve expressions

We have started reading nonfiction books about rocks in reading groups to compliment our science unit.  We are making webs to note our findings about rocks and minerals as we read!  

We have finished revising our rough drafts of our personal essays!  After we picked our essay topic, we started fine tuning our drafts.  A big emphasis this week was to make sure that we used certain words and phrases in the body of our essay, in our counterargument, and in the beginning and end of our essay (see the charts below).  These essays are very impressive!  Next week we will edit our essays.  In Spelling, students have resumed with their blue, green, or yellow word sort.  Their spelling test will be Friday, December 13th.    

Katherine highlighting all the great essay words/phrases in her writing and adding other details

Students are loving our rocks unit!  We have learned about classifying minerals (which make up all rocks), the three different types of rocks, and the rock cycle.  Students should be studying their vocabulary words.  They have a quiz on these words next Thursday, 12/12.  Students can also study rocks at home by logging on to our science textbook and completing the assigned activities.  Like our ecosystems unit, students earn extra credit from completing these activities!  Click on our textbook below to be directed to the online resources.

Alex and Eric working on their rock cycles
Hannah is doing a great job on her rock cycle!
Our finished products

Important Info.
In Tuesday's Flyer Folder, students brought home many notes!  It is important to sift through these for important information.  Students took home a PRISM entry form.  PRISM is a noncompetitive science celebration in which students are encouraged to investigate a scientific topic.  They will display the results of their study at a school-wide celebration on February 20th.  Fourth grade does not require students to participate.  However, all fifth graders are required to participate, so it is recommended that fourth graders participate in PRISM as well.  PRISM projects are completed at home, and entry forms are due January 10th.  Click here for more information.  

This week, students were given the fourth grade spelling word list for our classroom spelling bee.  Students have a yellow sheet with the fourth grade words, as well as the Great American Spell Check newspaper with extra activities to help them practice these words.  We will hold the classroom spelling bee the week of December 16th.  The two classroom finalists will represent our class in the school-wide spelling bee.  Good luck!  

Any time there is a snow day, assignments will be due the next school day.  For example, boys' letters will now be due on Monday.  Also, students will receive this week's Friday Homework (Math Standardized Test Prep Chs. 1-8) on Monday.  Any other notes to go home will be sent in Tuesday's Flyer Folder.  

Finally, we have an early release day next Wednesday, 12/11.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home. 

Enjoy the snow day!

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