Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday, January 10th

So this is not so much a Weekly Update as it is a daily update!  :)  We started off the day with reflecting on 2013 and making goals for 2014!  First, we "found someone who..." held a holiday party at their house, went to the movies, spent an entire day in their pajamas, and participated in other fun activities over our break!   It was a nice ice breaker.  Then, we made goal foldables with the numbers 2, 0, 1, and 4.  We thought of 2 things to accomplish this year, a habit or behavior to stop (0), 1 thing to improve upon, and 4 new things to learn this year.  Take a look at what we came up with below!

Check out the turtle video that we watched today in Math!  It helps us to remember the steps in multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers.  We will continue with this next week.  Also, some students realized that they need to brush up on their multiplication facts today!  

In Reading today we summarized the plot in our read aloud Missing on Superstition Mountain before we continued to read.  The students did a good job in remembering what had happened after three weeks!  In library today, we discussed the genre of fantasy.  We determined that fantasy is a popular genre, and that it is one of our favorites!  We made posters that contain slogans to advertise fantasy to students who visit the library.  See some of our posters below!  

Today we celebrated the realistic fiction pieces that we had written last quarter!  We listened to a crackling fire and got to read some of our classmates' stories.  In small groups, we nominated our classmates for awards for different things that they did well with in their stories.  Great job, students!  Check out the awards that students received below!

Important Info.
Students have a reading assignment for Friday Homework titled, "Caroline and the Castle."  This is due next Friday.  As previously mentioned, we will resume next week with spelling, social studies, and our advanced essays in writing. 

Many, many papers went home with students in their Flyer Folders today.  Among other notes, students brought home registration forms for many different activities and graded work.  As a reminder, students' writing rubrics now have to be signed and returned just like tests.   If there is no stamp, please sign somewhere on the writing rubric.  It is important to look through these notes with students this weekend.  

A few more reminders.  Don't forget that the spelling bee is next Friday the 17th.  There is a PRISM Q & A session for parents next Tuesday the 14th from 7-8 p.m.  PRISM booklets will go home with students who are participating on Monday.  Lastly, Wednesday the 15th is an early release day, so please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.                   

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