Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekly Update

This week we learned long division, and the students are doing awesome!  Check out Division Man below.  He helps us to remember the steps in long division.  We will continue long division next week.

We have started book clubs!  Students meet on Wednesdays and Fridays.  As a reminder, students will be responsible for reading an agreed upon number of chapters outside of book club time.  During book clubs, students will use the assigned role sheets (i.e. predictor, connector, summarizer, clarifier, characterizer, and discussion director) to guide them in having a conservation about the chapters' events and characters.  These book club role sheets must be completed outside of the book club meeting time along with reading the assigned chapters, so that all students are prepared.  So far they are doing great, and we are having some awesome discussions!  Below are pictures of the students finding out more about their books with the prereading book activity on Wednesday.

We have started our informational unit.  We "began with the end in mind" by looking at many different published information book examples together.  We also chose our topic (either on a social studies or science topic), and began to outline and make a plan for researching.  We will get into researching our topic next week!  In Spelling, students received their new word sorts.  

Social Studies
This week we finished Chapter 5.  We learned about pioneer life, Missouri becoming a state, the Missouri Compromise, the Oregon Trail, and many other important events in St. Louis's history!  Our combined test over Chapters 4 and 5 will be next Tuesday, February 4th.  Students have their flashcards, study guide, Quizlet and the Moodle to help them in studying.

Yes, I have a technology section in this Weekly Update!  Fourth grade teachers have decided to team up with Mr. Reichert for our Famous Missourian project.  In technology class this week, students were assigned their Famous Missourian to research!  We will transfer what we have learned about research in our writing unit to find out who our Missourian is/was and what contributions they have made to our state or country.  We will also learn about their background information- such as their early childhood years, education, and family life.  Students will present these projects with a PowerPoint presentation.  I can't wait to see how they turn out!  

Important Info.
The Friday Homework this week is the Standardized Math Test Prep Chapters 1-10.  

We are collecting soda can tabs to support a K-Kids fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities.  The collection will run though April, and we will gladly take any soda tab tops that you are able to send to school!  We are also collecting Box Top$ for Education!  The school Box Tops contest ends Friday, February 7th!  The winning class will receive a popcorn party!  

Also, on Wednesday of next week we will be rewarded with Little Caesars Pizza for lunch from Dr. Parker for doing such a good job on our eValuate assessments each month  Keep up the great work, students!  :) 

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