Sunday, May 3, 2015

Weekly Update with Ms. Bender

In writing, we finished picking three favorite poems that work with our poetry themes for our anthologies. Next week, we will write our own poems!  Also, we will continue editing articles for the second issue of our classroom newsletter. The class is very excited that our first newsletter has been printed and is ready to read. They look amazing!  We will be celebrating our writing this Monday by reading our articles in the outside learning center!  Students are allowed to bring an extra snack to eat during the celebration.

We worked hard on our news committee articles all week!

Our last word sort test will be Friday 5/8!

This week we wrapped up our geometry unit in math and took the Chapter 14 math test.

This week we continued working on forces and motion. We conducted a bubble gum lab that allowed us to calculated our "chomping speed". Our vocabulary test will be this Wednesday 5/6. Remember, students can study vocabulary using Quizlet, and they can log on to the online textbook for extra credit opportunities.  

We had so much fun on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Day!!

Dr. Parker and Mr. Shoenekase showed us some thrilling science experiments!

The winning group of our egg drop contest!

Teamwork was essential when working at the large Lego station!

Students continued to work in new book club groups. As a reminder, students need to read the assigned pages and finish their 2 sticky notes containing their talking points by their group's due date of Mon/Thurs or Wed/Fri.

Two more groups have finished their iMovie book trailers!  Check out Room One's video, which was created by Ali, Delaney, Gabe, Nate and Jaxson!  Also, make sure to watch Adam and Daniel's trailer on Jake Drake!  The students did an awesome job!  

Other Important Info.  
  • Students may bring an extra snack for our writing celebration on Monday.
  • As a reminder for Strings students, Thursday, May 7th is the 4th grade all-district rehearsal.  Rehearsal is scheduled from 9:00-11:00 am in the district auditorium. 
  • Next Friday, students will enjoy a special treat!  An ice cream truck will visit Long.  Students will need a $1 to purchase ice cream.  
  • If you would like to sign up to be a volunteer for Field Day, please use the following link:  Field Day Sign Up.  Field Day is Thursday, May 14th.  
  • There is no more Friday Homework this year! 

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