Friday, May 8, 2015

Weekly Update with Ms. Bender


Early Friday morning, the newest addition to our classroom family was brought into the world. Jackson James Leighton is 8 lbs 6 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Leighton!

This week in writing, we began drafting our own free verse and couplet poems to include in our anthologies. As we continue to work on these poems, we will practice including figurative language to make our writing more interesting.

We had fun celebrating our writing with Dr. Parker and Mr. Schoenekase on Monday!

In reading, we will continue to meet in our book clubs. As a reminder, students need to have their reading completed, along with two speaking points written down on a sticky note, by their assigned meeting day. Mon/Thurs. or Wed/Fri.

On Friday, we took our last spelling test for the year! Woohoo!

In science, we completed a marble lab that allowed us to practice calculating speed. We took our science vocabulary quiz on Monday and began our study guide. We will finish our study guides on Monday and our forces and motion test will be on Tuesday 5/12.

This week Mrs. Shaver and Mrs. Broom came in and taught the students about entrepreneurship and what it takes to develop a business. Students had fun participating in games and activities that helped develop their business skills. We will have two more Junior Achievement lessons next week.

In math this week, we reinforced our multiplication and long division skills by completing a variety of review activities.

The Bubble Bus and ice cream truck were a blast!

Other Important Information: 
  • If you would like to sign up to be a volunteer for Field Day, please use the following link:  Field Day Sign Up.  Field Day is Thursday, May 14th. Students have already signed up to buy or bring a sack lunch.  Please have your student wear comfy clothes and tennis shoes.
  • NO SCHOOL Friday 4/15

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