Sunday, January 10, 2016

Weekly Update


Before break, students finished our miniunit on journalism.  Mr. Schoenekase came in to cause a ruckus so the students had an event to write about as reporters.  Their articles turned out great!   Now we have started our informational unit.  In writing, students will write a 4 chapter book on the Louisiana Purchase.  After writing this informational book, students will then choose their own social studies or science topic to write their second informational book.  Students received their spelling words this week.  The next Spelling Test will be Friday, 1/15.

In reading, we are learning how to research to support our information books in writing.  We are choosing the text structure that we want to use in our books to help our readers to understand what is important about our topic.  In reading groups, we continue to read our rocks trade books.  We also started a new read aloud.  It's our last Mark Twain Nominee that we will read as a class.  It's a fantasy book called, "Rump."  

We are finishing Chapter 7 on patterns, and the Chapter 7 Math Test is this Wednesday, 1/13.  Students will get the study guide Monday.  We will start Chapter 8 on fractions this Thursday.  Students will need to use their knowledge of multiplication and division facts to help them with this upcoming chapter.  

We are finishing our rocks unit before switching back over to Social Studies.  The Rocks Test will be next Wednesday, 1/20.   Students will get the study guide later this week. 

  Other Important Info.
  • This Wednesday, January 13th is an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.  
  • The school spelling bee is this Friday, January 15th at 2pm!  Good luck to our classroom representatives, Tyler Brower and McKenzie Atkinson!  
  • Don't forget to be filling out the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs.  If a student is wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park. These reading logs are due Friday, February 12th.  

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