Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekly Update


Students have finished their first informational books on the Louisiana Purchase, and they turned out great!  We will celebrate all of our hard work by reading them on Monday!  Next, students will choose their own topic for their second informational book.  Some students have already started to research their second book topic.  This includes science and social studies topics, such as the Titanic, World War I, Civil Rights, rocks, electricity, inventions, etc. We will follow the same format as the first book.  The next Spelling Test will be Friday, 2/5.

The finished products!
This past week we discussed the book club roles "Careful Characterizer" and "Discussion Director" with our read aloud "Rump." See some examples below. 

We have started Chapter 8 on fractions.  So far, we have reviewed factors and multiples, prime and composite numbers, equivalent fractions, and simplest form.  We have also compared and ordered fractions.  Coming up is mixed numbers and improper fractions.  

Making equivalent fractions 

Playing "Fractions Dots and Boxes" in the Games Rotation
Social Studies
In Social Studies, we are currently reading Chapter 6, "A Growing State."  Right now we are reading about slavery.  We learned about Harriet Tubman and are working on an underground railroad paper quilt!  

  Other Important Info.
  • Don't forget to be filling out the Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs.  If a student is wanting to participate, they need to read 6 hours in addition to their class reading log minutes.  As a reward, they will receive a free admission ticket to Six Flags theme park. These reading logs are due Friday, February 12th.  

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