Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekly Update

Students have finished drafting Chapter 1 (the big topic) of their second informational books.  Tomorrow, we will begin drafting Chapter 2 (the focused topic).  Students will get their spelling words this week. The next Spelling Test is Friday, 2/26.

We are about halfway through our read aloud, "Rump."  Watch the blog next week for information on our upcoming book clubs. 

So far in Chapter 9, we have added and subtracted fractions with like denominators, including mixed numbers.  We will work on multiplying fractions by whole numbers this week and review this chapter.  The Chapter 9 Test will be next Monday, February 22nd.  Chapter 10 will cover fractions and decimals. 

Social Studies/Science
The Chapter 5/6 Social Studies Test will be this Thursday, February 18th.  Students took home the study guide on Friday.  We will be reviewing and working on the study guide this week.  After this unit, we will switch to studying electricity in Science.  

Valentine's Day Party
A big THANK YOU to all parents involved in the planning and production of the Valentine's Day party!  The kids had a blast!  

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