Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekly Update


Students have finished drafting Chapter 2 of their second informational books.  Tomorrow, we will begin drafting Chapter 3 (the diary entry).  The next Spelling Test is this Friday, 2/26.

This past week we have started book clubs!  Book clubs meet twice a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Students are responsible for filing out the assigned book club role sheets (discussed in an earlier post) and in reading the assigned chapters before every meeting date.  I am excited to hear all of the great conversations that will take place!

Last week we reviewed Chapter 9 and worked on the study guide.  The Chapter 9 Test is Monday, February 22nd.  Chapter 10 will cover fractions and decimals. 

On Monday we will start our electricity unit in Science.  We will start discussing static electricity and then current electricity.  There are many fun activities and labs with electricity!

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